“B movies” were usually more prestigious movies that also cost more to make than other feature films.


a.     True


b.     False


Which of these court cases would play an enormous role in the breakup of vertical integration in Hollywood?


a. United States vs. Paramount.     This case made it illegal for studios to own every part of the production     and distribution process.


b. United States vs. Fox. This     case set a minimum percentage of profits that studios had to pay actors.


c. United States vs. RKO. This     case made it illegal for film studios to act as distributors without also     owning stakes in the production process.


d. United States vs. MGM. This     case imposed sanctions on studios that did not respect child labor laws.

What percentage of films are now being produced outside of the studios?


a. 23%


b. 10%


c. 56%


d. 77%

Mackenzie has been an integral part of the feature film being shot in New Zealand, which tells the story of a king from ancient times and his armies. Her role in the film has included lining up the financing, story developers, scriptwriters, and the major stars. Which of the following is most likely Mackenzie’s role in this film?


a. director


b. editor


c. producer


d. screenwriter


Which of the following is TRUE of digital filmmaking?


a. It has opened the film     industry to student filmmakers.


b. It has removed the Internet     as a distribution mechanism.


c. It has made desktop     filmmaking obsolete.


d. It has significantly     increased the cost of filmmaking.


What is the primary goal for most first-time independent directors?


a. getting distribution


b. getting a skilled producer


c. getting a screenplay


d. getting quality actors

During the 1950s, the film industry began to realize that if it couldn’t beat television, it had better join it.


a.     True


b.     False


Most often, the controlling hand on film production and storytelling is the _______.


a. editor


b. director


c. screenwriter


d. producer


What was the “star system”?


a. film studios’ use of their     power to attract stars to act in their movies


b. fans’ reactions to stars when     seen on the streets or in public


c. directors’ use of star-power     to alter the acting of lesser known actors


d. film studios’ use of stars’     popularity to promote their movies


Although audiences tend to think of movies in terms of the directors and producers, filmmaking is probably more driven by the actors on screen.


a.     True


b.     False


Why were silent films oriented toward action, dramatic visuals, and lavish sets?


a. because technology did not     allow for slower-paced, more subtle films


b. because producers had to rely     on visuals, with only brief written dialogue


c. because Hollywood budgets     were much larger during the silent film era


d. because the international     movie-going crowd of the day had high standards


Which of the following was TRUE of the major movie studios of the 1930s and 1940s?


a. They tended to focus solely     on one genre of movie-making.


b. Each failed to distinguish     its style from the others.


c. They refused to release     major, mass-appealing feature films.


d. They made most of their money     on “B movies.”

One of the most famous scenes in all of movie history is Dorothy’s skipping off down the yellow brick road from Munchkin City in The Wizard of Oz (1939). In this scene, Dorothy is actually skipping toward a large painted scene meant to look like continuing rolling hills. What special effects technique is utilized in this famous movie scene?


a. rear projection


b. nonlinear editing


c. mattes


d. compositing


Joaquin’s large company, MiraFlax, handles both the production and distribution sides of many of today’s biggest films. With ONLY this information about Joaquin’s company, which of the following do we know for certain it is engaged in?


a. concentration of ownership


b. vertical integration


c. the studio system


d. first-run distribution

In its earliest days, the content of films was not heavily regulated by either the federal government or the MPAA. Which of these controversies made the industry start to think about imposing regulatory standards for content?


a. GLAAD’s reaction to callous     portrayals of homosexual characters in films like Braveheart.


b. National protests over     communist sympathizers working in the film industry.


c. Public outrage over the     extreme violence of The Wild Bunch.


d. The NAACP’s response to the     depiction of African Americans in The Birth of a Nation.

Special effects are glitzy, but the real computer revolution in Hollywood is taking place behind the scenes, during the post-production process, when films get their finishing touches.


a.     True


b.     False


Which of the following was one of the ways Hollywood tried to compete with television in the 1950s and 1960s?


a. by changing the way     camerawork is performed and arranged


b. by making movies explicitly     for television release and viewership


c. by capitalizing on more     controversial material than TV could offer


d. by eliminating the need for     traditional acting or directing


King Kong (1933) was the first film to use a technique called _______.


a. compositing


b. front projection


c. rear projection


d. nonlinear editing


What was different about Toy Story (1995) and virtually all of its animated film predecessors?


a. It was the first animated     feature film.


b. It was the first     computer-animated hit film.


c. It was the first full-length     animated film.


d. It was the first major studio     animated film.


Denise is an editor at Luminescence Films. She is working on an action film for which she is merging several layers of images of an elaborate car chase scene that were shot separately on different days. What type of technique is Denise employing?


a. Nonlinear editing


b. Rear projection


c. Matting


d. Compositing


How did VCRs liberate viewers in the mid-1970s?


a. by giving them the option of     High Definition or Low Definition


b. by integrating basic cable,     premium cable, and satellite all into one


c. by making free, no-charge     television the rule rather than the exception


d. by allowing them to watch     what they wanted, when they wanted

Francine, a top programmer for NBC, is scheduling Greg’s House, a very popular sitcom, between two much less popular shows, Ursula in Charge and Crickets. Which programming strategy is Francine employing?


a. hammocking


b. checkerboarding


c. tent-poling


d. stunting

Francine, a top programmer for NBC, is scheduling Greg’s House, a very popular sitcom, between two much less popular shows, Ursula in Charge and Crickets. Which programming strategy is Francine employing?


a. hammocking


b. checkerboarding


c. tent-poling


d. stunting

The “Big Three” television networks are NBC, HBO, and FOX.


a.     True


b.     False

Jose, a top programmer at FOX, in a concerted effort to disrupt established viewing habits, is changing both the time slot and length of his network’s most popular program, The Hockey Moms. What programming strategy is Jose employing?


a. tent-poling


b. checkerboarding


c. hammocking


d. stunting

The economics of advertising-supported TV channels are threatened by diminishing audiences, widespread commercial skipping while watching DVR playbacks, and the emergence of Internet advertising as a dominant advertising vehicle.


a.     True


b.     False


What has been the underlying assumption of program scheduling?


a. that most people stand to     watch television


b. that viewing is a deeply     ingrained habit


c. that viewing is sporadic and     unpredictable


d. that most people watch     specific programs

In the 1990s, direct broadcast satellite (DBS) operators DirecTV and the Dish Network emerged as alternative television delivery systems that transmitted satellite signals directly to the home for a monthly fee.


a.     True


b.     False

What as the objective of the Children’s Television Act of 1990?


a. a complete removal of all     obscene programming


b. an ensured supply of     educational children’s programming


c. at least one daily hour of     dedicated children’s programming


d. fines for stations not     offering morning children’s programs

How do program executives build ratings?


a. By hiring all of the right     business people and all of the right talent.


b. By maintaining a consistent     flow of viewers from one program to the next.


c. By securing effective,     targeted advertising based on researched demographics.


d. By allowing the viewers to     decide what should be on television.

Which of the following is NOT true of government regulation of television?


a. It at one time effectively     limited almost everyone’s choices to three networks.


b. It has long played a role in     the evolution of the medium.


c. It has attempted to manage     the limited channel space availability.


d. Its role is very recent,     spanning only the last two decades.

Unlike film and similar to radio, the revenue model for early television depended heavily on ________.


a. money paid by advertisers for     featuring their products


b. monthly usage fees paid     directly to television networks


c. money paid by corporate     underwriters who sponsored segments of shows


d. taxes put on in-home receiver     sets

Which of the following is TRUE of reality shows on TV, as opposed to other types of shows?


a. They use solely unionized     labor and staff.


b. They require scripts and     elaborate sets.


c. They can be produced at a far     lower cost.


d. Their economic model is not     unique.

The shift to digital television has ushered in a great number of technological transformations that have permanently transformed the way people watch TV. What is one of the main innovations of digital television?


a. Mobile viewing stations in     cars, planes, and other vehicles.


b. On-demand television that     allows viewers to play or replay shows at their own convenience.


c. New high-definition     technology that makes programs older than a few years impossible to view.


d. A new ratings system for     broadcast digital television that allows parents to block channels they     don’t want their children to watch.

Which of the following did the 1951 hit I Love Lucy do?


a. It highlighted the mistakes     that networks can sometimes make.


b. It generated funding for the     network’s entire lineup.


c. It proved the appeal of     situation comedies on television.


d. It stressed the importance of     targeted audience ad campaigning.

Why did the FCC ban cable from the 100 largest major markets in the early 1970s?


a. because cable had illegally     introduced sex and nudity to television


b. because the FCC wanted to     “test” the new system in smaller markets


c. because the distant signals     threatened local independent UHF stations


d. because viewers in the 100     largest markets did not want cable TV

What percentage of parents use the V-chip that is available to block undesirable programming from their children?


a. more than 75 percent


b. exactly 50 percent


c. roughly 35 percent


d. less than 20 percent

Cable television gets very high marks from consumers for customer service and fair pricing.


a.     True


b.     False

Why do some consider us to be in a “second Golden Age”?


a. because there are many     scripted series available across various outlets


b. because news and sports     programming has reinvigorated the airwaves


c. because localized programming     has become in vogue once again


d. because premium cable

channels such as HBO and Cinemax are thriving

Ratings are only one half of the formula for economic success in television. What is the other half?


a. high quality programming


b. unclaimed viewership


c. low production costs


d. effective advertising

Which of the following is a way in which television can use a technology such as Twitter as its own programming strategy?


a. by offering online chats with     star performers


b. by actually showing programs     on Twitter feeds


c. by planting stories about     programming in Twitter


d. by running ads for the     Twitter app during programming
