Rolanda Smith

Mr. Swope

English 122


“Sonnet 18”

The poem by William Shakespeare the Sonnet, comparing a beloved person to a summer’s day. To my knowledge this is one of the most well-known of all the sonnets, poems. But it would be a mistake to take it entirely misleading for its crazy dialoged displayed in the other sonnets. Although the themes of the descriptive personality of words used by the poet to share the honest belief about a young couple probably in love. It clearly states the poet is completely self-assure that his love would be acknowledge and understood for the ones who were shame of their feelings. But later he apologizes I guess for being so deeply embrace for the love he displayed for someone.

I feel he was just expressing what every person in there early days of love, there may be some self-doubt and eternal summer days as he stated. The summer’s day could be defined in so many respects to a relationship such; (too short, too hot, too rough, sometimes too clingy). However, we are left holding the guilt affect in fact like a summer season’s day at its pleasant, truthful, warm, sunny, temperate, meaning there are absolutely all types of distractions dealings with relationships. I sense the joy and passion is without a doubt there, and love could be a profound and unconditional element. Having passionate love for a person can end up overwhelming at a cost. However, people have a trait that cannot be broken, it appears while we realize and apprehend the severity of the relationship. When outside help persuades you to do different when you feel it’s already its bad for you, we’ve a will to love deeper. We realize people sometimes interpret miss-leading values about relationships that’s wrong, but when you’re in love we conquer fantastic limitations to fall deeper in love. I might imagine this kind of love might be sustainable but for how long? Would it not be final because it appears, he did not simply love her he worship her as a beautiful summer day. Although I think this type of relationship probably would become a short one just as the beautiful summer day.

I understand how he compares, how she moves and knowing where she’s been because of the rough winds that shake the buds of May. The way he compares her of being to hot for the eye of heaven shines, it reminds me of my husband telling me about my attitude and how its changes with the season. I can relate because winter season I’m weary not able to be understand, but on the other hand during the dead of summer I’m very distant and slightly unpleasant. He clearly uses Logos when he wrote this play, because he goes deeply in detail about how he feels and describes his beloved. The winning point that caught my attention the most, when he quoted “But thy eternal summer shall not fade”.

I can relate to that priceless quote dearly because my true love, which is my husband he always tries so hard to make everyday just as we first met. Although he compares his beloved to a summer day, he doesn’t want that day to never end. Each day a person can replay his or her special day with the person he or she loves, because each day can be described as a play or novel, because there are so many words and quotes to compare your sweetheart to everyday. I deeply understood his heart felt passion for his beloved summer day as if I knew of this day as well.
