Question Description

For this discussion, you will be assigned a theorist according to your last name (MY LAST NAME STARTS WITH J SO I HAVE GEORGE KELLY). Your instructor may reassign you a different theorist as needed, so check the announcements for any revisions.

In your initial post, you will write a position statement for an assigned theorist. Justify your position statement with support from research by discussing the validity and accuracy of the theory.

First Letter of Last Name Theorists
A–H Rogers
I–P Kelly
Q–Z Deci and Ryan

Respond to two peers who wrote about different theorists than you did in your initial post. Discuss if the position statement could be improved. Do you agree with the theory’s validity and accuracy?

To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric document.



Carl Ransom Rogers is one of the first humanistic psychologists of his time. He had congruent beliefs with Abraham Maslow and worked alongside people from the University of Wisconsin, Ohio State University, Columbia University’s Teachers College, and also created what is called “non-directive therapy” where the “client” (instead of patient) leads the discussion while also receiving the same amount of vulnerability from the therapist themselves. The goal behind this type of therapy was to show the client that the therapist is relatable and is able to confide in the patient and therefore the patient feels trust and can let down their guard with the therapist and be able to discuss difficult times in their life without feeling judged. Non-judgement is the first step to healing, in the eyes of Rogers.

I find that this type of therapy and humanistic approach of psychological intervention is an effective approach. I agree with Rogers reasoning behind this type of therapy, because it is a lot like having a confidential conversation with a friend you can trust instead of fearing judgement. The humanistic perspective of his studies are also what leads to this type of approach. His beliefs of self-actualization is also another belief of mine that I share with Rogers. The theory behind this is that, when people have a ideal self and actual self that do not match or are relatively similar, this creates incongruence. This term incongruence refers to the instability between the image they have of themselves and the ideal image of what they want to become. When these images are more closely related or similar, self actualization is achievable.

Rogers theories got him a place to be known as one of the most influential psychological influencers of the 20th century. Since his death in 1987 his work continues to influence today’s world in the field of psychology. A study conducted since his death has shown his theories of the ‘non-directed approach’ to therapy are being used today and helping so many people. This is also something that has been adopted by other fields such as social work, education and early childhood development.


Richard Ryan and Edward Deci’s theory of life is named the Self-Determination Theory. Their theory is based off of the two “routes” that may be taken to achieve happiness in life. The first route is called hedonia which is to maximize pleasure and minimize pain in everything you do. The second route is called eudaimonia, which is a complex route in which the individual pursues relationships, goals, and responsibility for one’s life in order to find a deeper meaning of life (Funder 2016). Ryan and Deci are advocates for the second route to happiness. Ryan and Deci believe that having intrinsic goals that one follows intently will lead to a greater happiness and fulfilled soul than would result from seeking to maximize pleasure and minimize pain. They also believe that autonomy, competence, and relatedness are the most basic aspects of any individual in the world despite culture, ethnicity, or race. Individuals who are more intrinsically focused tend to be happier, higher in vitality, have more positive emotions, are lower in depression and anxiety, and overall healthier individuals (Funder 2016). It is more beneficial to follow the Self-Determination Theory and focus all of your actions, thoughts, and goals intrinsically rather than focusing on the extrinsic and negative aspects of life.

Funder, D. (2016), The Personality Puzzle ( 7th ed.). New York, NY: W.W.Norton & Company
