For this discussion, you will focus on talent acquisition. You will work with a small group of your classmates to identify talent acquisition strategies based on the module readings and to provide your set of recommendations based upon a collaborative group discussion. 

First, review this module's required resources. In your initial post to the small group discussion, address the following: 

  • From an external sourcing perspective, which HR initiatives and strategies are effective approaches to filling key positions when the labor market has a talent shortage? 
  • From an internal sourcing perspective, which HR initiatives and strategies are effective approaches to filling key positions when the labor market has a talent shortage? 
  • In your responses to peers, discuss how knowledge of labor market information assists HR professionals in developing a quality staffing plan. 

Refer to the module resources and HR models to support your responses.  

 TextbookHuman Resource Management opens in new window, Chapters 4, 5, and 6. 

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