All the format, topic and instructions are attached below in the pdf. This whole assignment has to be made on a specific topic assigned to each student. The topic assigned to me is-


– Victor & Rolf, Spring/Summer 2015 collection. 


Due: beginning of class Week 6

Learning Outcomes:

• Investigate relationships between formal elements in art and their thematic, historical, cultural, and/or ideological context.

• Demonstrate a basic understanding of art historical terminology.

• Apply visual evidence to support ideas about artwork in various media through discussion, written, studio, and other assignments.

• Recognize common currents and contrasting characteristics of different periods and art movements.

Assignment Description:

You will write a short essay to increase your ability to form connections between the art/design of the historic past, the present, and the future, expressing your own opinions and conclusions. Assignment Brief (specifics):

• Research either social/moral concerns or the aesthetic concerns of contemporary design that were also reflected in historical art styles.

• Choose a current (within the past 25-30 years), specific example from your design discipline that expresses that concern (for example, the lobby of a hotel; a designer’s couture collection; a line of décor objects from one design firm).

• In your short essay, you will compare and contrast the concerns of the past with current trends and concerns as seen in your example.

o Tell the reader how that concern is still relevant today. o Examine how the artist/designer of the 21st century interacts with history and what our

responsibilities or debts are to the art/design of the past.

• DON’T WRITE A REVIEW ABOUT THE HISTORICAL STYLE/PERIOD. If you do, you’ll get a failing mark.

• Your writing should be your opinions, conclusions, and/or reflections, expressed in your own words. You must defend your opinions and assertions with the current real-world example of design.

• There is no need to quote any other source.

Pick one of the following concerns: AESTHETIC or SOCIO-POLITICAL

• The Expression of Authentic Emotions (Symbolism, Expressionism): the extreme expressions of the inner self, emotional darkness, the life of the mind or soul brought to design

• The Optical (Impressionism): changing how we see; light and shadow and colour!

Write 1-2 pages that clearly and completely express and explain in detail

• Why you believe this concern is important in your creative discipline today (important to the designer, the audience, the consumer or end-user, the discipline itself). Why do we need it? Why do we like it? How is it useful?

• How this concern is expressed in a specific, existing, contemporary design o Refer to specific elements of the design in your analysis (color, line, editing, materials, etc.)

• How that contemporary design is similar to and/or different from examples from the historical period. Be specific!

• Import 3 or more images onto the second page of your essay that illustrate your assertions. Cite your source(s) for these images in captions (URL is fine).

• The first paragraph must have a topic sentence that tells the reader what the essay will explain/assert.

Evidence of Learning/Deliverables:

• Submit a short essay

o 2 pages maximum

o double-spaced

o 12-pt font

o include image(s) of art/design relevant to your essay

o submit as PDF only to Lea


• No oral presentation is required.

Naming Conventions for Assignment Submission:

• All submitted assignments should be named in a similar fashion

• i) Course nr ii) quarter: iii) assignment type iv) student surname, name v) student ID and vi) program of study CourseNr_Quarter_AssignmentX_StudentSurname_StudentName_StudentNr

• Example: o ART103_SU24_A3.1_Romain_Valerie_000001.PDF

• Please note, if a student’s work cannot be identified by the instructor, they will receive 0% for the assignment. Students always need to follow the naming convention when handing in assignments.