ACTION PLAN (What nurse can do)

Develop an action plan, for a specific nursing context (emergency overcrowding the issues that are associated with this trend are medication errors, increase mortality, delay treatment).  Choose one issue to develop an action plan for this issue. The action plan will be written in essay format and identify objectives for practice improvement and justify proposed evidence-based strategies. Specific criteria for predicted outcomes should be included. The action plan will be underpinned by Lewin’s Theory of Planned Change, supported with evidence, and consider relevant framework perspectives (socio-cultural, ethico-legal, politico-economic, professional-organisational).

Attach a template of your summarised action plan as an appendix.
Length: 2,500 words

You will need to address the following points in your assignment:

  1. Write an introduction that provides an overview of the trend (emergency overcrowding) and key issues (delay treatment, medication errors, increase wait time) impacting on nursing practice. In the introduction identify the objectives of the action plan and briefly outline the flow of the action plan referring to the action plan template. You need to choose one or two issues to develop action plans.
  2. In the body of the action plan:
    •  discuss how Lewin’s Theory of Planned Change can be applied to the action plan.
    •  discuss evidenced-based strategies that should be implemented to improve practice in a specific nursing context.
    •  provide rationales for the proposed strategies that demonstrate an understanding of relevant perspectives from the conceptual framework.
    •  identify specific outcome criteria.
    •  offer relevant short and long term recommendations for practice improvement.
  3. In the conclusion, summarise the key issues and the use of Lewin’s Theory of Planned Change in actioning the recommendations to address the issues identified in nursing practice.
  4. Complete a template of an action plan and attach as an appendix.
  5. 20 references using APA style.


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