A good business plan can help you secure finance, define the direction of your business and create strategies to achieve your goals. The business.gov.au Business Plan template steps you through the process of creating a solid, well-structured plan tailored to your business.
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Copies of the latest version of this template and the guide can be downloaded from www.business.gov.au/businessplan.
If you need further information, assistance or referral about a business issue, please contact business.gov.au on 13 28 46.

Using this template
Before you complete this business plan template and start using it, consider the following:
Do your research. You will need to make quite a few decisions about your business including structure, marketing strategies and finances before you can complete the template. By having the right information to hand you also can be more accurate in your forecasts and analysis.
Determine who the plan is for. Does it have more than one purpose? Will it be used internally or will third parties be involved? Deciding the purpose of the plan can help you target your answers. If third parties are involved, what are they interested in? Although don’t assume they are just interested in the finance part of your business. They will be looking for the whole package.
Do not attempt to fill in the template from start to finish. First decide which sections are relevant for your business and set aside the sections that don’t apply. You can always go back to the other sections later.
Use the [italicised text]. The italicised text is there to help guide you by providing some more detailed questions you may like to answer when preparing your response. Please note: If a question does not apply to your circumstances it can be ignored.
Download the Business Plan Guide. The business plan guide contains general advice on business planning, a complete overview of the business plan template and a glossary explaining the main terms used throughout this template.
Get some help. If you aren’t confident in completing the plan yourself, you can enlist the help of a professional (i.e. Single Business Service, Business Enterprise Centre, business adviser, or accountant) to look through your plan and provide you with advice.
Actual vs. expected figures. Existing businesses can include actual figures in the plan, but if your business is just starting out and you are using expected figures for turnover and finances you will need to clearly show that these are expected figures or estimates.
Write your summary last. Use as few words as possible. You want to get to the point but not overlook important facts. This is also your opportunity to sell yourself. But don’t overdo it. You want prospective banks, investors, partners or wholesalers to be able to quickly read your plan, find it realistic and be motivated by what they read.
Review. Review. Review. Your business plan is there to make a good impression. Errors will only detract from your professional image. So ask a number of impartial people to proofread your final plan.
For advice and examples on how to complete this template, please download the business.gov.au Business Plan guide from www.business.gov.au/businessplan.
Scan to watch our business planning video:

[Your Name]
[Your Title]
[Business Name]
[Main Business Address]
[Business Name]
Business Plan
Prepared: [Date prepared]

Business Plan template 1
Using this template 2
Business Plan Summary 4
The Business 4
The Market 4
The Future 4
The Finances 5
The Business 5
Business details 5
Registration details 5
Business premises 5
Organisation chart 5
Management & ownership 6
Key personnel 6
Products/services 8
Innovation 8
Insurance 8
Risk management 9
Legal considerations 9
Operations 9
Sustainability plan 11
The Market 12
Market research 12
Market targets 12
Environmental/industry analysis 12
Your customers 12
S.W.O.T. analysis 13
Your competitors 14
Advertising & sales 15
The Future 17
Vision statement 17
Mission statement 17
Goals/objectives 17
Action plan 17
The Finances 18
Key objectives & financial review 18
Assumptions 18
Start-up costs for [YEAR] 19
Balance sheet forecast 20
Profit and loss forecast 21
Expected cash flow 22
Break-even analysis 23
Supporting documentation 24

Business Plan Summary
[Please complete this page last]
[Your business summary should be no longer than a page and should focus on why your business is going to be successful. Your answers below should briefly summarise your more detailed answers provided throughout the body of this plan.]
The Business
Business name: [Enter your business name as registered in your state/territory. If you have not registered your business name, add your proposed business name.]
Business structure: [Sole trader, partnership, trust, company.]
ABN: [Registered Australian business number.]
ACN: [Registered Australian company number, if applicable.]
Business location: [Main business location]
Date established: [The date you started trading.]
Business owner(s): [List all of the business owners.]
Relevant owner experience: [Briefly outline your experience and/or years in the industry and any major achievements/awards.]
Products/services: [What products/services are you selling? What is the anticipated demand for your products/services?]
The Market
Target market:
[Who are you selling to? Why would they buy your products/services over others?]
Marketing strategy:
[How do you plan to enter the market? How do you intend to attract customers? How and why will this work?]
The Future
Vision statement:
[The vision statement briefly outlines your future plan for the business. It should state clearly what your overall goals for the business are.]
[What are your short & long term goals? What activities will you undertake to meet them?]
The Finances
[Briefly outline how much profit you intend on making in a particular timeframe. How much money will you need up-front? Where will you obtain these funds? What portion will you be seeking from other sources? How much of your own money are you contributing towards the business?]

The Business
Business details
Products/services: [What products/services are you selling? What is the anticipated demand for your products/services?]
Registration details
Business name: [Enter your business name as registered in your state/territory. If you have not registered your business name, add your proposed business name.]
Trading name(s): [Registered trading name(s).]
Date registered: [Date business name registered.]
Location(s) registered: [State(s) you are registered in.]
Business structure: [Sole trader, partnership, trust, company.]
ABN: [Registered Australian Business Number.]
ACN: [Registered Australian Company Number, if applicable.]
GST: [Are you registered for Goods and Services Tax? Date registered?]
Domain names: [Registered domain names.]
Licences & permits: [List all the licences or permits you have registered]
Business premises
Business location: [Describe the location and space occupied/required. What is the size of the space you occupy/require? Which city or town? Where in relation to landmarks/main areas? If you have a retail business, where are you in relation to other shops? What is the retail traffic like?]
Buy/lease: [If you have purchased a business premises or are currently leasing, briefly outline the arrangements. If you are still looking for a lease, outline your commercial lease requirements and any utilities/facilities required.]
Organisation chart
[Outline your business structure in an organisation chart.]
Figure 1: Example Organisation Chart.

Management & ownership
Names of owners: [List all of the business owners.]
Details of management & ownership: [As the owner(s), will you be running the business or will a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) be running the business on your behalf? What will be your involvement? If it is a partnership briefly outline % share, role in the business, the strengths of each partner and whether you have a partnership agreement/contract in place?]
Experience: [What experience do the business owner(s) have? How many years have you owned or run a business? List any previous businesses owned/managed. List any major achievements/awards. What other relevant experience do you have? Don’t forget to attach your resume(s) to the back of your plan.]


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