CriteriaDistinguished (90 to 100%)Proficient (80 to 89%)Minimal (70 to 79%)Below (1 to 69%)Fail (0%)Criterion ScoreRequirements Includes the components of the assignment. Weight 20% Total 20 points20 points

(18-20 pts)
Includes all of the components, as specified in the assignment.

17.8 points

(16-17.8 pts)
Includes most of the components, as specified in the assignment.

15.8 points

(14–15.8 pts)
Includes some of the components, as specified in the assignment.

13.8 points

(1 – 13.8 pts)
Includes few of the components, as specified in the assignment.

0 points

(0 pts)              Did not post an answer or did not include any of the components, as specified in the assignment. 

Score of Requirements Includes the components of the assignment. Weight 20% Total 20 points,/ 20Content Demonstrates knowledge of the subject matter Weight 25% Total 25 points25 points

(22.5-25 pts)
Demonstrates strong knowledge of the subject matter. Presents new or original ideas with comprehensive details and depth. Correctly presents information from the readings and sources

22.25 points

(20-22.25 pts)
Demonstrates satisfactory knowledge of the subject matter. Presents ideas with some depth and detail. Few errors or omissions are present in the information from the readings and sources.

19.75 points

(17.5–19.75 pts)
Demonstrates limited knowledge of the subject. Presents ideas but lacks depth or detail. Significant errors or omissions are present in the information from the readings and sources.

17.25 points

(1 – 17.25 pts)
Demonstrates little to no knowledge of the subject matter. Does not present new or original ideas. Excessive errors or omissions are present in the information from the readings and sources.

0 points

(0 pts)              Did not post an answer or did not demonstrate knowledge of the subject matter.

Score of Content Demonstrates knowledge of the subject matter Weight 25% Total 25 points,/ 25Demonstrates Critical Analysis Weight 20% Total 20 points20 points

(18-20 pts)
Provides strong critical analysis. Interpretation of the information given is rich in content, thoughtful and insightful. Few to no errors or omissions in analysis.

17.8 points

(16-17.8 pts)

Provides satisfactory evidence of critical analysis. Interpretation of the information presented is thoughtful and insightful. Some errors or omissions in analysis.

15.8 points

(14–15.8 pts)
Provides limited evidence of critical analysis. Interpretation of the information is vague and routine. Several errors or omissions in analysis.

13.9 points

(1 – 13.9 pts)
Provides little to no critical analysis. Interpretation of the information given is rudimentary. Significant errors or omissions in analysis.

0 points

(0 pts)              Did not post an answer or did not provide any critical analysis. 

Score of Demonstrates Critical Analysis Weight 20% Total 20 points,/ 20Provides Academic Sources Weight 10% Total 10 points10 points

(9-10 pts)
Cites more than six (6) academic or professional references to support the information presented in the paper. References are correctly cited in accordance with APA guidelines.

8.9 points

(8 – 8.9 pts)

Cites no more than six (6) academic or professional references to support the information presented in the paper. References are correctly cited in accordance with APA guidelines.

7.9 points

(7–7.9 pts)
Cites between three (3) and six (6) academic or professional references to support the information presented in the paper. References are not correctly cited in accordance with APA guidelines.

1 point

(1 – 6.9 pts)
Cites less than three (3) academic or professional references to support the information presented in the paper. References are either not cited or not correctly cited in accordance with APA guidelines.

0 points

(0 pts)              Did not post an answer or did not cite any academic or professional references to support the information presented in the paper. 

Score of Provides Academic Sources Weight 10% Total 10 points,/ 10Demonstrates College-level writing proficiency in Grammar, Stylistics Weight 20% Total 20 points20 points

(18-20 pts)
Project is clearly organized and properly formatted Quality of work demonstrates a distinguished college-level writing; Strong sentence and paragraph structure and few errors in grammar and spelling enhance the understanding the content

17.9 points

(16-17.9 pts)

Project is fairly well organized and is properly formatted. Quality of work reflects college-level writing proficiency; Some errors in grammar; spelling, and sentence structure but do not interfere with the understanding the content.

15.9 points

(14–15.9 pts)
Project is somewhat organized, but improperly formatted. Quality of work attempts to reflect college-level writing proficiency but numerous errors in grammar; spelling, and sentence structure interferes with understanding the content difficult.

13.8 points

(1 – 13.8 pts)
Project is not organized and improperly formatted. Quality of work does not reflect college-level writing proficiency; Excessive errors in grammar, spelling, and sentence structure makes understanding the content difficult.

0 points

(0 pts)              Did not post an answer or reflect college-level writing proficiency.

Score of Demonstrates College-level writing proficiency in Grammar, Stylistics Weight 20% Total 20 points,/ 20Demonstrates proper use of APA style Weight 5% Total 5 points5 points

(4.5-5 pts)
Little to no errors in paper, bibliographic, and in-text citation formatting, according to APA. Paper contains no more than one error.

4.45 points

(4-4.45 pts)  Minimal errors in paper, bibliographic, and in-text citation formatting, according to APA. Paper contains no more than two to three errors.

3.95 points

(3.5–3.95 pts)
Significant errors in paper, bibliographic, and in-text citation formatting, according to APA. Paper contains no more than four to five errors

1 point

(1 – 3.45 pts)  Excessive errors in paper, bibliographic, and in-text citation formatting, according to APA. Paper contains more than five significant errors.

0 points

(0 pts)              Did not post an answer or demonstrate proper use of APA style.

Score of Demonstrates proper use of APA style Weight 5% Total 5 points,/ 5 

Case Study Critical Infrastructure Critical Incident

Conduct a case study of  one  critical incident related to one of the critical infrastructure sectors listed below. You may select the same sector your researched for Research Paper #2:

· Water and wastewater 

· Food and Agriculture

· Power

· Transportation 

For this written assignment:

1. Describe a recent case study [within the last seven (7) years] that involved a threat or attack against a  US  critical infrastructure sector. 

2. Explain the situation and identify the threats and threat actors involved.

3. Evaluate the actions of the Department of Homeland Security in that case.

4. Evaluate the actions of any homeland security stakeholders that were involved in the case.

5. Analyze how the results of the case.

6. Discuss what could have been done to prevent the threat or attack, if it was successful.

7. Discuss how the threat or attack was prevented, if it was unsuccessful.


1. The paper must incorporate academic, government, and professional references and information located through the UMGC library, the Internet, and the HMSN course materials.

2. The paper should be at least 12 (minimum) to 14 (maximum) pages (not including the cover page, introduction, and references) using double-spaced, 12-point fonts. 

3. The paper  must be organized in sections by the required topics (above) to include section headings formatted in accordance with APA 7th Edition guidelines.

4. The paper should cite at least one (1) reference for each page written), not including the cover page, introduction, and references.

5. Resources must be properly cited within the body of the text and reflected in the references using APA format and citation rules.