For this assignment you will use various skills and strategies you have learned from the Child-Centered Play Therapy Workbook.

1.    (6 points) Case Study Present a child case. This case needs to focus on a child that is under the age of 12; include name, age, location, family dynamics, and details around the presenting issue that has brought the child to counseling.

2.    (20 points) Verbatim: Create a dialogue between the counselor (you) and the case child detailed in question 1. Include at least 10 lines of dialogue for you, and 10 lines of dialogue for your client. The lines of counseling dialogue should be empathic, and reflective. You do not want to ask questions, but rather illustrate your ability to use empathic statements and reflective responses.

Exampleclient: I am really tired today and I don’t want to play.counselor: Your body is telling you that you should rest instead of playing with the toys today. client: Yes, I had a lot of school work this week, and my friend Johnny is mad at me.

Counselor: So not only did the teacher give you a bunch of work, but this week has made you extra sad because you miss playing with your friend Johnny.

3.    (6 points) Compare and contrast the characteristics of child-centered approach to one of the evidence-based approaches in chapter 5 of the Elements of counseling textbook.  Develop three points of comparison that illustrate similarities and three points of comparison that illustrate differences.

4.    (8 points) From the examples in the setting limits section of the Child-Centered Play Therapy Workbook. Develop one limit that you might use with children (select something that is not used as an example in the textbook).  Describe the limit, and then use the steps: Step 1 – Determine if the limit is necessary, Step 2 – State the limit to the child, Step 3 – Warning, and Step 4 – Enforcement of consequence, to illustrate how you would apply them to your own work with a child.  For each step, speak about the characteristics of the step, and then show how you would use the limit and how you would enforce the step.

5.    (10 points) In child-centered play therapy, questions are not frequently used. Explain five points of rationale to why questions are not beneficial to the counseling relationship with children.  Do not copy sentences from the book, state these five points in an informed manner, but in your own words, with strong supporting insight and examples.

6.    (10 points) In child-centered play therapy, praise is discouraged.  Explain five points of rationale to why praise is not beneficial to the counseling relationship with children.  Do not copy sentences from the book, state these five points in an informed manner, but in your own words, with strong supporting insight and examples.

7.    (4 points) In child-centered play therapy, self-disclosure is discouraged. Explain two points of rationale to why self-disclosure is not beneficial to the counseling relationship with children.  Do not copy sentences from the book, state these two points in an informed manner, but in your own words, with strong supporting insight and examples.

8.    (10 points) From chapter 3, select five of the recommended toys for the playroom, and describe how you would use those with children in a counseling setting. Include a description of the toy, how the book describes its value or use, and then provide your own illustration of how you would use it – include what issue the toy might help the child address, and how you would engage the child in play with the toy.

9.    (6 points) Select 3 themes from chapter 4. For each theme, 1. Develop a line of dialogue that describes a child’s behavior that would be indicative of the theme. 2. Then describe the theme, and 3. Develop an empathic, reflective, or child-centered statement that you could respond with appropriately.
