Coach Training Accreditation Scheme

Title of Training Course: Life Coach School Arkansas

Accreditation level applied for:

Accredited Award

In Coach Training



Terms and Conditions of AC Coach Training Accreditation

•The representative of the applying organization should read these conditions carefully before signing and sending the completed form and attachments to the AC.

•Acceptance of these conditions will be required by all successful applicants for AC Coach Training Accreditation.

•Applicants are urged to refer carefully to the Applicant Guide before completing the application form.

The Provider confirms:

•Understanding of, and agreement with, the AC’s Code of Ethics and Good Practice

•Understanding that the ongoing AC Coach Training Accreditation is dependent upon continuing the organization’s AC Membership

The Provider agrees to:

1.Provide the training course(s) as detailed in this application and the attached documents

2.Inform AC of any significant changes to the course which may affect the accreditation

3.Implement health and safety, and equal opportunities policies in relation to the course(s) and associated activities

4.Be careful not to represent itself as connected to the AC other than as a member organization with an accredited course(s)

5.Advertise and deliver the course(s) accurately as AC Accredited Coach Training Courses(s), and as presented in this application

6.Comply with the current conditions for use of the appropriate AC logo(s)

7.Make clear to course participants that they do not become Accredited Coaches as a result of attending the course

8.Have a complaints procedure

By answering the above questions and submitting this application to the AC we acknowledge that these statements are true and correct

Your name

On behalf of (Life Coach School of Arkansas)

Date: 7-31-2019

2.AC Coaching Competencies and Code of Ethics Used Within the Coach Training Course

Please complete the tables below. If you use other competencies in addition to those of the AC, please enter details in the relevant section. Please refer to Applicant Guide for further instructions.

Section One

Coach Training Course Title:Level of AC Coach Training Accreditation applied for: please tick (?)

Accredited Award

in Coach Training


Additional Coaching Competencies and Code of Ethics used during course

Section Two

AC Coaching Competency:

Corresponding Coaching Competency:

1.Meeting ethical, legal and professional guidelines

How coaching competency is covered within the Coach Training Course (in brief)



2.Establishing the coaching agreement and outcomes

How coaching competency is covered within the Coach Training Course (in brief)



3.Establishing a trust-based relationship with the client

How coaching competency is covered within the Coach Training Course (in brief)



4.Managing self and maintaining coaching presence

How coaching competency is covered within the Coach Training Course (in brief)



5.Communicating effectively

How coaching competency is covered within the Coach Training Course (in brief)



6.Raising awareness and insight

How coaching competency is covered within the Coach Training Course (in brief)



7.Designing strategies and actions

How coaching competency is covered within the Coach Training Course (in brief)



8.Maintaining forward momentum and evaluation

How coaching competency is covered within the Coach Training Course (in brief)



9.Undertaking continuous coach development

How coaching competency is covered within the Coach Training Course (in brief)



3.Hours of Coach Training Course

Complete the tables below. Please refer to Applicant Guide for further instructions.

Dates Coach Training Course has been delivered

* Coach Training Course must be run at least once prior to application

Class-based training hours and coaching practice

Self-study hours *

Actual hours of Coach Training Course

Participant’s coaching practice hours (in addition to class-based practice)**

*See Applicant guide for further details

** in addition to class-based practice undertaken by participants

4.Coach Training Course Structure

Please enter details of your Coach Training Course structure in the table below.

Please refer to Applicant Guide for further instructions.

Module/UnitMethod/ResourcesContentBlended LearningTime

Assessment criteria


Module 1

Building rapport

Effective listening

Questioning skills

Tutor led discussion, handouts, exercises

Role of coaching & behaviours/skills

Types/models of coaching

Key coaching skills

Communication and learning stylesTheory & Practice12 hoursWork based assignment and evidence of six hours of coaching

Total Hours

Class-based training hours and coaching practice

Self-study hours

Coaching practice hours (in addition to class-based practice)

5.Coaching Approaches and Models

Please enter details of the coaching approaches and models used in the table below. Please refer to the Applicant Guide for further instructions.

Please list all specific coaching approaches and models used within the Coach Training CoursePlease tick indicate with a tick (?) how and when these are used

MethodIn classSelf-studyCoaching Practice

Example: Model used – GROWGROW – Goals, Reality, Obstacles/Options, Will/Way ForwardTutor led presentation

Reading:Observed coaching session?Triad practice session?

6.Lesson Plan Outcomes

Please enter details of the lesson plan outcomes relating to the training of the use of a specific coaching approach or model that you train in your Training Course.

Learning Outcomes

NumberDescription of outcome





Assessment CriteriaLinked to Learning OutcomesSpecific requirements














7.Lesson Plan Content

Please enter details of the lesson plan for the training of the specific coaching approach or model that you have presented in Section 5. Refer to

Applicant Guide for further information.














Please enter details of the self-study requirements of the course for which you are applying for AC Coach Training Accreditation.

Type of self-study Hours


Reading: Coaching for Performance by Sir John Whitmore

Total hours of


8.Coaching Practice

Please complete the tables below and refer to Applicant Guide for further instructions.

Class Based Practice

In Addition to Class Based Practice


9.10.Feedback, Reflective Work and Supervision

Please complete the table below.



Observation and FeedbackExample:

Two triads coaching sessions on days 1 and 2 in triads observed by tutor

One coaching session with volunteer on day 2 observed by external supervisor

10.Written Assessments

Please complete the table below with details of written assignments participants are asked to submit.

11.Course Tutors

Please complete the table below writing 200 words outlining the experience and expertise of each of the course tutors to deliver the specified Coach Training Course to the required standard.

12.Assessment Methods

Please give a give a brief description of up to 500 words of the assessment methods used to determine fitness to practise. Please refer to Applicant Guide for further instructions.


13.Course Assessors

Please complete the table below only if any assessors on your course are not course tutors.

Name of Assessor/sRole Experience, qualifications, expertise

Relevant Memberships or Accreditations held

Example: Anne BrowneIndependent Assessor3 years as an NVQ AssessorIAV

14.Course Evaluation

Please complete the table below. Please refer to Applicant Guide for further instructions.

Method usedFrequency/timeAction taken as a result

Example: Feedback from those coached by the studentTwice during the duration of the Coach Training Course – after coaching session 3 of 6 and after session 6 of 6.Results fed back into twice-yearly review of Coach Training Course to ensure adherence to coaching competency framework, coaching methodologies used forming part of the continuous evaluation and improvement process.

