During the first week of class you conducted your first practice interview, and in week three you developed an Interview Guide. For this activity, you will be using your Interview Guide, the analysis of potential interview biases from LASA 1, and the feedback you have received from your instructor to conduct an interview with a volunteer.

Prior to the Interview

  1. Locate an adult volunteer.
  2. Read the analysis requirements below and ENSURE you meet them within your interview. Make sure your interview includes:
    1. A minimum of 5 open and 5 closed ended questions (10 total).
    2. A minimum of 5 examples of paraphrasing, summaries, or reflections techniques (must have at least one of each paraphrase, summary, and reflection/5 total).
  3. Gather Recording Equipment (video is preferred).  You will need to record your interview.
  4. Also make sure you have a watch or a timer to keep track of the length of your interview. Make sure your interview is not less than 5 minutes long.

The Interview

  1. Needs to be at least 5 minutes long, but it should not be more than 10 minutes.
  2. Be prepared! Although it may not sound like it, 5 minutes is a long time in interviewing time. If you are having problems filling 5 minutes, go back to the interview skills you have learned about (e.g., probing, reflections, and summaries).

After the Interview

  1. Play back the recording of the interview.
  2. Transcribe or write out the interview completely. Be sure to write out everything said during the interview
  3. After you have written the transcript of the interview, provide a detailed analysis of the interview. On your transcript:
    1. Identify Questions Used: On your transcript identify at least 5 closed and 5 open ended questions that you used during the interview. Identify these on your transcript using all caps (10 questions total). For example:Interviewer:  How long have you been having headaches?  CLOSED QUESTION
    2. Evaluate the Questions: After you have identified examples of 5 open and 5 open questions in your transcript, write an evaluation of the effectiveness of your use of questions (Approximately one paragraph for this analysis). Explain whether or not your questions were effective. How did your client respond to your questions? How would you improve the effectiveness of your questions?
    3. Identify Techniques Used: Next, identify at least 5 examples of paraphrasing, summarizing, or reflections you used (must have at least one of each: paraphrase, summary, and reflection). Again, use all caps on your transcript to identify each technique.For example:Interviewer: So it’s been several weeks since you’ve been able to sleep without problems? PARAPHRASE
    4. Evaluate the Techniques: Evaluate the effectiveness of your interview technique (Approximately one paragraph for this entire section). How did your client respond to the techniques in the interview? How do you know if you were effective with these? Provide justification for your response. How could you improve your use of these?
  4. Application: Analysis and Summary
    1. Explain how the information you gathered during the interview can aid in planning treatment for your client. How can treatment of this client be more informed or more targeted based on the information you gathered (Approximately 2-3 paragraphs).
    2. Identify at least two possible ethical issues that could arise during your interview (hint: go back to your Module 1 lecture for ideas about ethical issues in interviewing).  Explain how an ethical interviewer should deal with each of these issues. (Approximately 2-3 paragraphs).

Purpose of the interview

The main reason for the interview is to find out whether the client is suffering from a psychological or conduct disorder. The information will be gathered according to the family background, the social life of the client, employment history, the story about his finances and the earlier experience about his mental health treatment. This interview will give a clear picture of the client and the diagnosis will be easier. Another reason why the interview is done is to find out the client’s brain functionality. The explicit sort of test, for example, knowledge or identity tests rely upon the circumstance and explanation behind the test. Before mental testing can be managed, a clinical therapist will finish a thorough evaluation amid the underlying meeting with a customer. This gives foundation data about a customer and allows the clinician to define his or her own clinical impressions (Miller)

Also, the additional assessment is important. This is to find out whether the client is addictive or not. Clients who experience the ill effects of dependence issue are not continually expected about their issues. As a psychologist who spends significant time in treating substance misuse and different kinds of addictions are uncommonly prepared to coax out these issues amid the clinical meeting and line up sessions with a customer. Analysts and other emotional well-being experts regularly utilize one of six evaluation instruments, or question-and-answer tests, to help decide the degree of a compulsion and the fitting course of treatment.

Structure of the interview

The client will be assessed according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Health Disorders, 5TH Edition. The SCIDS can also help during the interviews in identifying another disorder the client has. The SCIDS will contain the questions that are standardized to make sure that the client is interviewed the same way as others. Another substantial method to evaluate as well as analyze a psychological instability is by utilizing a clinical analytic meeting (CDI). CDIs are distinctive in that they include a discussion, or account, between the psychological wellness proficient and the patient rather than a rundown of institutionalized inquiries like the SCID has. This meeting takes around more than two hours and the emotional well-being proficient doing the meeting will probably accept notes as you talk. A side effect agenda may likewise be utilized alongside the CDI to enable the questioner to make a finding (Kelly, 2018)

Topics to be covered are:

How was your youth?

What is your association with your mom/father/kin like?

How was the school for you?

What kind of kinships did you have as a kid?

What have your sentimental connections been similar to?

What is your activity and to what extent have you done it?

Questions to be asked

What are the specific details of your obsessions and compulsions?

How long have you had these obsessions and compulsions?

How have these obsessions and compulsions affected your life?

Did your symptoms start after a new illness?

Did your symptom start after taking a new drug?

Were you physically sick before you started having obsessions?

Were you physically sick before you started having compulsions?

Were you using drugs before you started having obsessions?

Were you using drugs before you started having compulsions?

How old were you when these symptoms started?

How was your youth?

What is your association with your mom/father/kin like?

How was the school for you?

What kind of kinships did you have as a kid?

What have your sentimental connections been similar to?

Reflection technique


Client: I just can’t go anyplace in my life

Therapist: Your absence of advancement baffles you?

Expects me to skillfully rehash the patient’s intellectual or enthusiastic material

Required to show to the patient that their emotions are comprehended

Should be a Client-Centered Therapists depend intensely on reflection

Requires clinical ability to be successful

Abuse is counterproductive – critical territories are left unaddressed

Creating a rapport

Make the client feel great. Building an affinity from the beginning can show signs of improvement results. Start by presenting yourself and shaking hands. Take part in a touch of casual banter. Utilize this chance to become acquainted with your customer and let her realize that she can confide in you. Clarify that whatever you two talk about will be entirely secret. Do this first before you begin discussing the customer’s circumstance? Demonstrate that you plan to work in the customer’s best enthusiasm by approaching him with deference.

Questions to avoid

Questions about the marital statuses, the medical questions such as HIV/AIDS statuses, also during the interview the interviewer should avoid asking the client about the educational background, where he attended, and the level of his education. The birthplace and the ethnic group should be avoided.


Beliefs about Headaches

There are so many beliefs that lie behind the chronic headaches and sleepless nights. A headache described by the client is peculiar to my culture and to my geographical regions. This belief about a headache is taken to be caused by the cultural belief system. It is believed that headaches are as a result of sun exposure and eating the heaty food. Or maybe the client consumed much chocolate and citrus fruits (Moffett A. M, Swash M, & Scott D.F, 1974). This belief I have is influenced by my own age and culture.

Effects of beliefs on clinical interview

These beliefs about chronic headaches may negatively affect the patient thoughts about the disorder. There is clear evidence that the client’s belief about the chronic headaches can be associated with my belief and this will affect the interview. This may make the client reject my explanations or advice. The client will see me as incompetent individuals and so he will doubt everything I am telling him. He will reduce due to his lived experience with me. Because I believe that the chronic headaches are due to much chocolates, heaty food, and exposure to the sun, I will tell him to avoid to be in the sun, avoid chocolates, and avoid heaty food which is not helpful. This will not cure the headaches but they will persist and the next time he will come for the interview, he will decline to listen to me because he sees me as an incompetent therapist.

Because of beliefs about headaches, I will interpret wrongly about the symptoms of the disorder. The way I will interpret it, is the way the client will understand it. I will deliver the information within the biomedical framework. Even the diagnosis that I will provide will show that the symptoms are not serious.

Steps to limit the beliefs

Initial impressions

The clinical interviews begin before a solitary inquiry is inquired. That is on the grounds that initial introductions – both me and my patient’s – convey a lot of weight, possibly helping or hurting the interview ahead. It’s critical for me to make an inviting, non-compromising environment for the interview and talk in words my patient knows about, as per the Food and Agriculture Organization. It’s similarly essential for me to observe the aura and state of mind of my client. It is safe to say that he is restless, quiet, priggish, and remote? Are his own appearances clean? These signs go about as intimations for what kind of interview style will work best for every individual (Julia, 2018)

Opening the interview

First thing I will do here is to let the client know the reason why I am carrying out the interview and the things the interview will have. I will generate questions that will give vivid explanations about the feelings of the client’s experiences and perceptions. This will limit the belief about his headache and think professionally (Julia, 2018)

Use the structured interviewing

I will be looking for direct answers like the date the headache started, the type of food he usually takes. Ask if the client usually takes alcohol. This will give me a clear picture pertaining to the disorder.

Identifying the problem

Identifying the problem is another important part here. The problem the client is experiencing may not be the real one so I must go deep to find the true problem the client is facing.

25 point deduction for late submission rather than the full 50 points since you let me know about difficulties you were having.GR1 Identified and summarized the purpose of the interview.: It is not clear that you understand the purpose of the interview which is to listen and learn about the client’s concerns.  This is not an interview that involves specific testing procedures or a focus on a specific diagnosis.  Substance abuse has not been suggested as a concern of this client.GR2 Listed the topics he/she planned to cover during the interview. Explained how to structure the interview and the reasoning behind the structuring of the interview.: The interviewing techniques that you mention are not relevant for this assignment.  Our course materials mention interviewing structures such as problem-solving methods.  You also needed to more clearly indicate topics to cover during the interview such as the client’s work situation and satisfaction, family life, general health, etc.GR3 Composed the questions (5 open ended and 5 closed ended) to be used to obtain the information during the interview.: Your questions seem to presume a mental illness that has not be determined with this client.  The questions needed to be more relevant to gathering general background information about the client who is concerned about stress, headaches and difficulty sleeping.  Please see Grademark for additional feedback.  You can access these comments by clicking on the Turnitin box in the assignment submission folder and then clicking on the blue box with the check mark in the menu on the right side of the page.GR4 Develop hypothetical examples for at least 5 techniques (paraphrasing, summaries, or reflections) that could be used during the interview.: Your paper needed to include 5 specific examples of statements by the client and then interview techniques that demonstrate reflection, paraphrasing and summary.  GR5 Identified the opening techniques to be utilized to build rapport with the volunteer/client.: You seem to recognize the importance of establishing rapport with a client during the initial part of the interview.  More clarity about how to do this is needed.  For example, you might have included a discussion about eye contact, body language, the setting of the interview, etc.GR6 Identified types/examples of questions you want to avoid during the interview.: Your paper does not include an accurate understanding of questions to avoid in an initial interview such as those discussed in our course materials.  Evidence from research and a citation is needed for your ideas.GR7 Identified and explained how one’s own beliefs could affect the interview. Analyzed how beliefs are influenced by one’s own cultural, gender, sexual orientation or ethnicity.: More clarity is needed about how your own beliefs might influence your interview with the client.  You needed to clearly state how your beliefs are influenced by your age, culture, gender, sexual orientation, and ethnicity.  GR8 Identified steps to take to limit the impact of one’s own beliefs on the interview.: More clarity and support from research is needed in discussing how you would limit the influences of your own biases in the interview.  GR9 Style (4 points): Tone, audience, and word choice Organization (12 points): Introduction, transitions, and conclusion Usage and Mechanics (12 points): Grammar, spelling, and sentence structure APA Elements (16 points): In text citations and references: Your work on this assignment would have benefitted from the use of concepts from the course materials.  There are numerous grammatical errors in your writing that impact the clarity of your work.  I strongly recommend that you use Tutoring Services for assistance with your written assignments.  Though you included some efforts to identify your sources, citations and references must follow APA formatting standards and there are statements in your paper where evidence from research and a citation are needed to support your own ideas.
