In this assignment, reflect on a leader (MICHELLE HOWARD) who you believe is effective  in managing a multicultural organization and is creating a culturally  synergistic work setting.
(MICHELLE HOWARD)The individual you select should be  someone you can readily research and gather information about. The  individual can be a past or present Fortune 500 executive, a political  figure, or someone from within your own organization. It’s your choice!  The only stipulation is that this individual must manage a multicultural  work group and must have adopted a leadership approach that creates  cultural synergy.

After you have selected someone that you believe meets these requirements, write a 10 page paper that addresses the following:

1. Describe the leader and the organization.
2. Discuss why this  leader is effective in a multicultural setting. Be specific: What  exactly has this leader done to create cultural synergy?
3. Based on  what you have learned about managing diversity, what more can this  leader and/or the organization do to enhance cultural synergy?

A well-written paper will discuss the strategies and techniques the  leader used to develop cultural synergy within his or her work group,  department, or organization. And, because there is always more that can  be done, what else do you recommend?

An A paper will display these qualities:

1. Meets expectations for content and purpose of the assignment.

2. Main ideas are consistently and clearly supported by references.

3. Paper is organized. Paragraphs are logical and internally consistent.

4. Uses language and tone appropriate for the assignment.

5. Critically evaluates information and or data consistent with the purpose of the assignment.

6. Displays sound grammar, spelling and appropriate conventions.

Grading guidelines: Grading Criteria: : A 10 page paper,  double-spaced excluding the cover and references page. Cite concepts  from the course readings, scholarly sources from the UMUC online  library, and/or the weekly modules to support your analysis of the  strategies and techniques used to create cultural synergy – your paper  should contain at least five sources published within the last five  years. Follow APA style guidelines for the cover page, citations, and  references page. The paper should be double-spaced with 1-inch margins  with 12 pt. Arial font.
