Application: ArtifactLogic Model
According to Patti (2009), The logical model approach helps to ensure that all aspects of a human services program are in alignment, beginning with the motivation for the program, and continuing through to the outcome measure for the program (pp. 346347). In essence, a logic model clearly outlines a trail of choices and events in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of human services programs. In HUMN 4003, you had the opportunity to develop a basic logic model (Week 4) for a case study you selected based on the guidelines from Chapter 8 in the course text, Measuring Effectiveness of Human Services Delivery. Use this model to consider any insights you had or conclusions you drew as a result of developing it.
For this Assignment, you locate the following Assignment from HUMN 4003: Measuring Effectiveness of Human Service Delivery: Designing a Logic Model. Review the logic model you developed and revise it based on the information you learned about the agency you selected.
To Prepare for this Assignment:
- Locate the following Assignment from HUMN 4003: Measuring Effectiveness of Human Service Delivery.
- Think about the case study you used for that Assignment, and your process of developing the logic model. What were the starting points (e.g., based in social problems or community needs)? The ending points (i.e., a specific outcome)? What kind of approach did you take? Why did you make the choices you did?
- Review the Instructors feedback from this Assignment, and revise the document as necessary based on the information that you learned about the agency you selected.
The Assignment:
Submit by Day 7 a 2-page document that includes your logic model artifact and your rationale for your logic model artifact.
- Design your logic model for inclusion in your portfolio.
- Analyze your logic model in relation to human services practice using the Rationale Template Guide provided in this weeks Learning Resources for inclusion in your portfolio.
- Be sure documents are clean and free of any track-changes mark-ups.