• Choose 2 different methods for course development from this week.
    • Compare and contrast the course development process for the 2 methods that you have chosen using the grade level and subject you researched in Week 3.
    • Prepare a high-level outline for each method and include them in your post.
  • Respond to at least one of your classmates.
    • Which process do you think is stronger for their stated grade level and subject?
    • Explain your reasoning.
  • Peer Post

The two-course development process that I have chosen is the technological process and the naturalistic process of the curriculum development. The technological process is used to identify what the learner will be able to do as a result of engaging in a learning activity and take the necessary steps to accomplish those objectives. The process is the most important filled with many variations in hopes to dig deep to find the needs of the learner to ensure mastering the goal. For instance, new technology is being used to help promote reading in Third-grade students by assisting in measuring digital literacy fluency informational literacy, and or a global competency of much other literacy level learning (Parkay et al., 2010). The naturalistic method is both teacher and student-centered learning. The technique often takes into consideration the teacher and student needs and differences. Allowing the teacher to consider his or her teaching style but also allows for differentiation for the students within the learning activities. There is not big emphasis put on assessments, yet on the quality of the learning activities. Learning is down without the use of simple paper and pens but more of a hands-on learning experience (Parkay et al., 2010). The naturalistic process creates valuable student experiences and outcomes. Each technique includes prior planning and development. Student-centered learning is a common practice for both. Mastering the objective is the primary goal of both methods. Each overall process goal is to promote student’s continuous success in learning.

3rd Grade Reading/Literacy Objective

Exploring Informational Text

Opinion Writing

Understanding of characters through higher order thinking

Exploring Informational Writing

Research projects and writing in the content areas

3rd Grade Learning Activities

Research Projects

Spelling Test

Morning Writing Journal

Read to Achieve

Peer Reading


Parkay, F.W., Hass, G., &  Anctil, E. (2010). Curriculum leadership: Readings for developing quality educational programs (9th ed.). Boston: Pearson.
