Economics is concerned with current real world problems. Thus to assist your education, and to make your study more interesting and useful, it is strongly suggested that you follow current economic debates through the media. It will be assumed that you have kept abreast of them. It is strongly suggested that you: x
Watch TV news each night and listen to radio news, paying particular attention to economic and political items;
Read items about economic issues in the print media
Develop a habit of discussing economic issues with friends and family.
So as to encourage you to take an active interest in current events, you will be required to submit a media assignment. This media assignment is to contain one newspaper or online articles on two topics covered in lectures. A list of topics can be found below. You are required to write two (2)-pages analysis on the article discussing the relevance of the news item to the concepts you have studied in this subject. The selected article should be current, that is, FROM July 2019 ONWARDS.
Written Assignment Presentation Requirements
Your media assignment should be printed on A4 sized paper in size 12 font size (in Times New Roman) with single line spacing. All margins should be no less than 2 1/2 cm each.
A maximum of two (2) pages is to be written for your chosen newspaper article. Additional one page for relevant for diagrams and another page for reference list.
A cover sheet, which is found at the end of MIB document, should be used as the coversheet for your assignment.
All pages are to be stapled in the top left hand corner. Assignments should NOT be placed in plastic sleeves or contain any form of binding.
2. Format
A. Assignment Coversheet (required)
C. Article [Newspaper article (must be attached)]
D. Analysis
Identify key points or issues from the article that you can use to analyse.
Choose the topics and economic models that would help you with your analysis. Include a justification or rationale as to why those topics were chosen.
ii. Economic Analysis
provide appropriate definitions of relevant theories.
provide application of these theories to the key issues identified in the chosen article. provide diagram explanation.