Your post should be at least 400–450 words in length and should extend the discussion of the group supported by your course materials and/or other appropriate resources.

For this week’s Discussion, you are to discuss the effects mental illness has on society. To help you prepare with the Assignment, review any of the supplemental sources:

  1. Lockey, C. J. (2013, February 9). To treat mental illness, we need a more reasonable civil commitment law: Guest opinion. Oregon Live.
  2. Editors. (2012, February 23). The neglect of mental illness exacts a huge toll, human and economic. Scientific American.
  3. PBS. (2005). Frontline: The new asylums.

Next, locate one credible source from the Library or the internet about the prevalence of mental illness in the U.S. and the effects it has on society (e.g., criminal behavior, alcohol or drug abuse, negatively impact interpersonal relationships, or homelessness). Use this information to write a letter to your congressperson (without the intention of sending it) to explain the following:

  1. The magnitude of the problem of mental illness.
  2. What is being done to improve the situation (such as your state’s programs or organizations).
  3. How the problem affects a society.
  4. What steps you believe should be taken to combat the problem and reduce the prevalence of mental illness or the specific problem you chose.


Jacob post

One of my favorite types of Jazz to listen to is New Orleans Jazz.  I have always enjoyed it the most because of the improvisation that the music allows.  Depending on the mood of the musician, the same piece can sound different.  The music allows the musician to have more expression in the music.  The audience knows what to listen for in other music forms such as classical.  New Orleans Jazz can and does surprise you, especially when hearing it in person.  I know a recording is going to always sound the same but the audience can feel the emotion behind the jazz.  The background chords keep repeating while the front line instruments are able to play their own improvised sections.

This is a video that in my opinion shows New Orleans Jazz that I found on You Tube.  I like how the cops just drive by like its nothing for people to be dancing, singing, and playing on the streets.

Kaylee post

The style of jazz I would say I enjoy the most is Swing. I spent a lot of time with my grandparents while I was growing up and one of the biggest influences they had on me was music. Which is why my example of Swing is In the Mood by the Glenn Miller Orchestra, a song I listened to frequently as a kid. My grandparents had one of those “best of” CDs and I would always ask to listen to the song specifically, because my grandpa would dance around the living room to it with me. Personal connections aside, I enjoy In the Mood so much because of how lively it is. It’s physically impossible for me to keep still as I’m listening to it even now. I think it’s largely due to the high sounds of the saxophone, trombone, and trumpet during the melodies. While In the Mood does follow an arrangement; a staple of the big bands of Swing rather than the more improvised pieces of other styles, the song has enough rhythmic displacement to keep it interesting (Kamien, 2018, pp.498). My absolute favorite part of the song is actually the beginning, which is a twelve bar saxophone riff that is played twice that really throws you right into the song (O’Dell, 2004).



I identified three important skills/cultural perspectives that I bring into my early childhood profession. Those skills/perspectives were: a “Why not?” perspective, a special education background and schooling, and the belief in the importance of celebrating our differences. All three of these skills/perspectives tie in with what I have learned through this course very well.

For my “Why not?” perspective, I can use that in regards to how I address and treat my student’s families. For example, even though my personal cultural background and experiences tell me that parent involvement should be parents volunteering in the class or coming to school events with their child. Why can’t they be involved in a different way? What is the harm in that? As long as the child is benefiting from how the parent is involved, why does it matter who they are involved?

For my special education background and schooling skills/perspectives, I can use what I have learned in this course to better support families with children with special needs. Not only should I be trying to figure out how to best support the child with special needs in my classroom, I should also be trying to figure out how to best support the student’s families. I may not know what the ecosystem and macro-system factors may be; therefore, it’s my job to figure that out.

For my importance of differences perspective/skills, I can use what I have learned in this course to become better at celebrating and understanding families from different cultures and backgrounds. It’s one thing to celebrate all the different holidays different cultures celebrate—it’s how you treat and care for people. If a parent is struggling to pick up their child at preschool on-time, instead of judging them for “always being late”—figure out why they are always late. If you can help them, great! If not, find someone who can.


After taking this course, I now understand that it truly takes a village to make the child and family stronger. I also noticed how much our district lacks in supports for families of ELL background. Our current district has only 3 ELL teachers, most times I see them once a week for one of my students; my students needs are not as high as the remaining case load. I often feel he needs more support and so does his family. I try my best to get forms out in Spanish, but they are not all translated.In addition to our lack of support in this program, I believe our district and community needs more opportunities to provide cultural activities for all families. I myself need to find professional opportunities to support out ELL students more effectively in my classroom, along with going to our PATT meetings and asking for ways to speak on their behalf, but also encourage cultural activities run by the family and staff of these students.
