Question 1 

Which of the following individuals

exhibits the highest level of Emotional Intelligence?

Question 7 options:


Joan realizes that she can overreact when her children challenge her authority. She is working to learn how to better manage her responses to them to be more effective.


Susan supervised a worker who had multiple family problems that affected the worker’s performance at work. The worker’s behavior disturbed other workers and significantly interfered with productivity. Susan discussed the situation with the worker, expressed concern and referred her to professionals who might be helpful to her, but also alerted the worker that such behavior was not acceptable and if it continued, the worker would lose her position at the company.


Margaret was very bright and hardworking. She had great command of the technical skills needed in her current position. She was justifiably proud of her ability and knowledge. But, several of her supervisees had complained that she frequently exploded in anger, even though she was very apologetic afterwards. Margaret refused to attend anger management workshops.


Both Joan and Susan

Question 2

Which of the situations below represents the best example of high Emotional Intelligence?

Question 8 options:


Mary, the company CEO, wanted the layoff process to be brief and efficient. She did not want workers in her company to be disturbed or worried in advance because that might interfere with their productivity. Consequently, she kept her decision making process under wraps. As a result, people were informed that they were being let go when they arrived at work, and were escorted from their offices that same day, never to return. Workers who remained were demoralized and lost trust in her.


John, a worker at a start-up solar energy company that had been highly praised by President Obama as an example of a successful company in the new alternative energy field, heard on the radio as he was driving to work that the company had gone bankrupt and had closed (based on a true incident).


Jim was a very compassionate person. He really felt bad when he realized that he would have to lay off some of the workers in his company. He just could not bring himself to tell them the hard facts. It was quite a surprise when the workers learned the serious financial troubles that the company was facing and that a number of them were being let go.


None of the above

Question 3

What is meant by Signature Strengths?

Question 9 options:

Talents and skills that an individual is born with.

Abilities that a person acquires through focused practice throughout life.

Strengths of character that are valued throughout the world.

Strengths of character that an individual demonstrates in a wide variety of settings and enjoys using.

All of the above

Question 4

In developing the Values in Action Assessment, researchers administered the VIA Assessment to the same group of people several different times. What was the primary purpose of this procedure?


Question above options:


They were looking at whether anyone complained about the difficulty of the Inventory(VIA Assessment).


They were trying to determine if the VIA Assessment was too long..


They were trying to determine the reliability of the instrument.


They were trying to determine the validity of the instrument.

Question 5

US Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor describes a childhood of relative poverty and the loss of her father at a young age. In addition, she had to cope with diabetes and with schooling in her second language of English. Yet, she persevered and succeeded. response best describes the factor most responsible for her success, despite the many difficulties she faced.

Question 11 options:

Successful Aging

Positive Thinking

Career Consolidation


Question 6

Which of the following people is sometimes mentioned as among those who could be considered precursors of Positive Psychology?

Question 12 options:








None of the above

Question 7

Which of the following is the best definition of the field of Positive psychology?

Question 13 options:


Positive psychology is the scientific study of beneficial thoughts and emotions and behavior, and of applying findings to bettering the lives of individuals and improving society.


Positive psychology encourages people to look on the bright side of things and feel good about themselves.


Positive psychology focuses on people’s best qualities and how they develop over a lifetime.


Positive psychology is devoted to promoting mental health and reducing the factors that make for dysfunction and disharmony.

Question 8

For an individual who is isolated from others, increasing social contacts is likely to increase level of happiness.

Question 14 options:

1) True2) False

Question 9

Which of the following is the most accurate statement?

Question 15 options:


Unlike IQ, Emotional Intelligence generally increases with age.


People are born with Emotional Intelligence. You have it—or, you don’t.


While Emotional Intelligence is very important in determining success in most professions, having a high IQ is the more significant determinant of success.


Women generally have more Emotional Intelligence than men do.

Question 10

Select terms that are considered Moral Virtues by Peterson (2004).

Question 16 options:





Question 11

Andrews and Withey (1976) identified three general components of subjective well-being. Which of the following is not one of those components?

Question 17 options:


Positive Affect


Negative affect


Life satisfaction judgments


Financial Security

Question 12

Which of the following presents the best example of a cognitive function?

Question 18 options:


A teenager thinks she cannot be successful in school.


A young boy feels safe when in his mother’s arms.


A husband and wife argue as to whether it is better to spend or save the bonus the husband just received at work.


None of the above


George is well known for his beautiful singing voice. It is one of his Signature Strengths.

Question 19 options:


Question 14

Rebecca Alexander, several years ago featured on the Today Show, has Usher’s Syndrome, which results in those who have the syndrome progressively going blind and deaf. In the interview, she says that despite significant loss of hearing and vision over the past years, she is happier now, than she was 15 years ago.

Based on what you have learned in our course up to now, what is the most accurate comment below.

Question 20 options:


She is truly an unusual and exceptional person to be actually happier now than she was pre-diagnosis.


She will probably get more depressed again, as her sight and vision worsen. Right now, she is in denial.


Like many other people who face significant challenges, she is finding a way to build a life of meaning and joy.


She probably somehow holds out hope that there will be a medical breakthrough and her condition will be cured. That hope pulls her through this terrible situation.

Question 15

According to Daniel Golem, which is an important aspect of Emotional Intelligence

Question 21 options:

Self Awareness


Self management

Social skill

All of the above

Question 16

Which is the best definition of Impact Bias?

Question 22 options:

Findings that a single unpleasant experience can negatively affect an individual’s perspective over a lifetime.

The belief that different outcomes to a situation will affect one’s future happiness far more than is likely to be the case.

The belief that repeated negative events have a negative affect on attitudes throughout life.

Research that suggests that one’s first significant relationship will have a strong impact on how one views future relationships.

Question 17

Gladwell’s research suggests that people differ with regard to what makes them happy.

Question 23 options:


Question 18

The VIA is

Question 24 options:


a classification of character strengths and virtues.


a classification of positive traits in human beings


expected to be applicable to all cultures and peoples.


All of the above

As far as positive psychology interventions go, the longest acting positive effect on happiness occurred for subjects who were asked to use their signature strengths in a new way, or for subjects who were asked to write down three good things that went well each day–in each case during an entire week.

Question 25 options:

1) True2) False
