As an entrepreneur, you likely have the objective that one day you will have a very successful company with employees to help you accomplish your mission. When your company grows your ability to monitor the activities of your employees diminishes. While your direct supervision of all of your employees diminishes their ability to act independently increases.  As your employees develop more authority to act on behalf of your company, there is a corresponding greater chance that someone might act in some negligent way resulting in the physical or financial injury to someone. The legal doctrine of respondeat superior states that an employer may be held legally responsible for the negligent acts of his/her employees while those employees were considered legal agents of the employer or were otherwise acting within the scope of their employ.

Minimum 2 pages

Minimum 2 scholarly sources

Please review attached assignment rubric

Reducing Employee Negligence

100 %  Innovative
4 ptsDynamic
3.2 ptsShines
2.8 ptsStarting
2.4 ptsHaven’t Started
0 pts Action Plan
35 %

Developed an action plan to minimize employee negligence.


Developed 5 or more statements which were either value statements or action steps to reduce the chance employees engage in negligent acts that increase liability for business; clear, focused, detailed.


Developed at least 3 statements which were either value statements or action steps to reduce the chance employees engage in negligent acts that increase liability for business; clear and focused.


Developed statements which were somewhat either a value statement or action step to reduce the chance employees engage in negligent acts that increase liability for business; lacked some clarity and focus.


Vaguely developed statements which were either a value statement or action step to reduce the chance employees engage in negligent acts that increase liability for business; minimally responsive.

Haven’t Started

Did not complete.

Quick feedback: (recent)

Cause and Effect
30 %

Implementation plan to meet the “cause-and-effect” test.


Implementation statement met the “cause and effect” test accompanied each (all) action plan statement and included mechanism for success in reducing negligent acts even when “supervisor isn’t watching.”


Implementation statement met the “cause and effect” test accompanied most action plan statements and included mechanism for success in reducing negligent acts even when “supervisor isn’t watching.”


Implementation statement met the “cause and effect” test accompanied at least 1 action plan statement and included mechanism for success in reducing negligent acts even when “supervisor isn’t watching.”


Implementation statements included but they did not met the “cause and effect” test.

Haven’t Started

Did not complete.

Quick feedback: (recent)

15 %

Completed with use of research.


Used both primary and secondary research during process; clearly used research.


Used both primary and secondary research during process but did not clearly use research.


Used either primary or secondary research during process but not both.


Minimally used research during process.

Haven’t Started

Did not use any research.

Quick feedback: (recent)

Writing Mechanics
10 %

Clarity in writing, spelling, grammar.


The writing had no spelling and grammar errors and was clear.


The writing had minor spelling and grammar errors and was clear.


The writing had minor spelling and grammar errors; writing was somewhat unclear.


The writing had major spelling and grammar errors; writing was somewhat unclear.

Haven’t Started

The writing was grossly unclear and/or had major spelling and grammar errors.

Quick feedback: (recent)

APA Formatting
10 %

Proper in-text citations and reference page for APA format.


Both in-text citations and references were in APA format, has no formatting errors.


Both in-text citations and references were in APA format, has minimal formatting errors.


Both in-text citations and references were in APA format, has major formatting errors.


Either in-text citations or references were not in APA format.

Haven’t Started

No APA formatting for in-text citations and references.
