Question Description
- Environmental Impact of a city (your choice of city)
- Invasive Species (your choice of invasive species)
OUTLINE, CITATIONS, & REFERENCES DUE: By 11:59PM on November 4, 2019 [15 points]
FULL PROJECT DUE: By 11:59 p.m. on November 25, 2019 [130 points]
- Choose from the above options and decide what specific city or invasive species you will be researching.
- Submit choices through the Canvas quiz online
- Submit a text document (.doc, .docx, or .pdf) with the following to Canvas:
- An outline of how the information in your project will flow [5 points]
- This can represent how it will be discussed in the video or the structure of your paper
- You can use bullet points (similar to this project instructions document)
- That outline must also have information you have collected from sources about your topic
- Information in your outline should have in-text citations to indicate where the information came from [5 points]
- There should be a list of references at the end for all sources you have found & used so far [5 points]
- An outline of how the information in your project will flow [5 points]
- Submit all final project documents to Canvas.
Research Paper
- 5-7 full pages (Not including References section or images)
- 4 ¾ pages will not meet length requirement
- APA format
- Do not include Author note, abstract, or section titles (except for References)
- Times New Roman font
- Double-spaced
- 1-inch margins
- 12-point font
- No quotations allowed
- Indent each paragraph
- Title page with your name & title of paper
- No heading on first page of text
- No extra spacing between paragraphs
- .doc, .docx, or .pdf format
- Paper written as a research paper and not a series of short-answer questions
- Will only accept submissions to Canvas/Turnitin
- Will not accept writing projects sent to me through email or Canvas message attachments
- Must work alone
- Images can be included at the end of your paper, before references, but will not be counted toward the length requirement
- You will lose 15 points for every ½ page below or over the page limit in addition to content & format grading
- If you address every point fairly well, but turn in a 4-page paper (not including images and References), you will get 100/130
- If you address every point fairly well, but turn in a 4 ¾-page paper (not including images and References), you will get 115/130
- If you address every point fairly well, but turn in an 8-page paper (not including images and References), you will get 100/130
- If you address every point fairly well, but turn in a 7 ¼-page paper (not including images and References), you will get 115/130
- If you address every point fairly well, but turn in a 4 ¼-page paper (not including images and References), you will get 115/130
Video/Recorded Lecture
- Record a video (7-10 minutes long)
- Can be giving a lecture
- Can be a general video
- Must include a transcript of text using the formatting guidelines from the research paper above to be submitted through Canvas as a .doc, .docx, or .pdf file.
- This includes spoken script and any text used in video.
- Does not need to be 5-7 pages
- Transcript includes in-text citations and list of references
- You can work in pairs, but both of you must be fairly equally featured in the video.
- You will lose 15 points for every minute below or over the time limit in addition to content & format grading
- If you address every point fairly well, but turn in a 5-minute video, you will get 100/130
- If you address every point fairly well, but turn in a 6.5-minute video, you will get 115/130
- If you address every point fairly well, but turn in a 10.5-minute video, you will get 115/130
- If you address every point fairly well, but turn in an 11-minute video, you will get 115/130
- All projects must use in-text citations and a References page
- Include a References page (starts on a new page after your last page of text)
- Must have at least 4 non-Wikipedia sources
- Does not count towards page count.
- 1 of your sources must be a source that states your species is invasive, or the official city website (if available)
- Examples:, or
- Use in-text citations for any information obtained from sources
- Use Author-Date citations (APA)
- Research Paper
- Submit full paper to Canvas through Turnitin as .doc, .docx, or as .pdf only
- Video/Recorded Lecture
- Submit full transcript with References and in-text citations to Canvas through Turnitin as .doc, .docx, or as .pdf only
- Videos can be submitted 2 ways:
- Through YouTube: include link to video in transcript
- File submission: submit video files through Canvas
- Late submissions receive -50 points per day after deadline
- Technical difficulties or problems with Canvas are no excuse for not turning in writing projects on time.
- 2 points will be deducted for every % your papers similarity score is above 20%
- Example: Similarity score is 40%, you will receive -40 points
- Similarity scores above 40% will be given a 0 and reported to the academic integrity office
- 5 points will be deducted for every quotation used.
- Guide to writing a research paper
- In-Text Citations & References
- Generating References/References
- Writing Help (USF Writing Center)
- Purdue Writing Center (APA)
- How to write information in your own words (avoid plagiarism)
- Turnitin Guidelines