As an ethical matter, do wealthy destination countries bear responsibility for the migration of health professionals and for the effects of that migration on developing countries?What are the best ways to eliminate or reduce the collection of informal fees from patients and their families? What constitutes and informal fee?What are the most effective ways to reduce the level of corruption in a health system, especially in developing and transitional countries?Support your points with information cited from at least two credible resources, one of which can be the text. Write your citations and references using proper APA formatting.

Address the following questions:From the general to the most specific, what are the decisions that each society must make in allocating its resources for health?Is an employment-based system of health insurance inherently less ethical than a system of tax-supported, national health insurance? Why or why not?Should people from wealthy countries be allowed to obtain organ transplants from individuals in developing countries? What makes medical tourism ethical or unethical?

Support your points with information cited from at least two credible resources, one of which can be the text. Write your citations and references using proper APA formatting.

Address the following questions:Are the ethical concepts identified in the Belmont Report universal principles of human life, or are they the values of a particular culture or group of cultures?Is there an ethical right to health care? If so, what are the practical consequences of concluding that this ethical right exists?In the event of a pandemic or other public health emergency, should each health care professional be allowed to make his/her own decision about whether to report for work and provide services to patients?

Support your points with information cited from at least two credible resources, one of which can be the text. Write your citations and references using proper APA formatting.

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