In Chapter 11 of your course text, the author states, In the past couple of decades, a major direction for programs for parents has been the development of family support programs (Gestwicki, 2016, p. 284). These programs are most effective when they are tailored to meet the diverse needs of the students and families. When planning your efforts, it is important to consider the intended population, the relationship between the school staff and the participants, and the social context (Gestwicki, 2016, p. 287).
Jacob began the year as an active and eager kindergarten student. He smiled constantly and exhibited a happy disposition toward learning and playing with his friends. After the holiday, Jacob seemed more reserved, yawned frequently during story time, rarely smiled, and became easily frustrated during play activities that he previously enjoyed.
One day during weekly show and tell, Jacob described several chaotic nights and sleeping in the car. His mother, who previously escorted him into the room daily, now waves from the window seemingly disheveled on several occasions. Following a three-day absence, Jacobs mom shared that the familys home was foreclosed on over the winter break and the financial troubles are mounting. She is concerned that she may have to withdraw Jacob from your program due to transportation issues. She is emotional as she explains that she looks for part-time work while Jacob is at school. Additionally, she fears that she will not be able to provide Jacob with adequate nutrition and meals.
For this discussion, explain how you would utilize your community resources to respond to the social issues affecting Jacob and his family.
· Identify at least three of resources available in the community that could be helpful to Jacob and his family.
o Include contact information (physical and/or web address, phone number, etc.).
o Provide a description of the types of services or goods the community partner provides.
· Discuss the anticipated challenges for utilizing the resources suggested.
· Use the course readings and at least one additional resource to support your selections.