Assignment Instructions

Writing Assignment (M1-4)

You will soon find yourself fulfilling roles in organizations where the ability to think ethically about issues will make you much more valuable to employers.

In this activity you will refer to the materials in your text and lectures to respond to the questions.


Part A


The questions in Part A refer to the material discussed   in Module 1 of this course. Respond to the following.

  1. Discuss reasons why ethics are an important part of an        organization.
  2. Discuss the ethical concerns that have surfaced regarding        information technology and property rights.
  3. Why is it important that companies have a good understanding of        the relationship between blame and moral responsibility?


Part B


The questions in Part B refer to the material discussed   in Module 2 of this course. Respond to the following.

  1. Describe three issues that make determining utilitarianism        difficult.
  2. Describe how an ethic of virtue can enhance the principles of        utilitarianism, rights, justice, and caring.
  3. Discuss how the unconscious process uses past experiences to        effect the moral decision-making process.


Part C


The questions in Part C refer to the material discussed   in Module 3 of this course. Respond to the following.

  1. Discuss John Locke’s idea that, in a state of nature, everyone        would be political equals and free of constraints, and how those rights        affect American institutions.
  2. According to Adam Smith, how does free market competition provide        greater benefits than government interference?
  3. Discuss Karl Marx’s view on how capitalist economies alienate        workers.


Part D


The questions in Part D refer to the material discussed   in Module 4 of this course. Respond to the following.

  1. How do price and quantity move to equilibrium in a perfectly competitive        market?
  2. Discuss how a monopoly places restrictions on the negative rights        that a perfectly free market respects?
  3. Discuss the regulation view of oligopoly power.


Length/Formatting Instructions



4 pages



12 point , Calibri Font, no more   than 1? margins


Program/File Type

Submit in Word


Referencing system

APA referencing system is   necessary in assignments, especially material copied from the Internet.

For   examples of correct citations, visit the following links:
