Assignment 1 Due Thursday Aug 1 by Noon CST (2 Peer Reviews Due by Saturday Midnight)

· Identify one mathematical or scientific Gestalt antecedent individual, Gestalt psychologist, psychoanalyst, individual psychologist, or analytical psychologist from this unit’s assigned readings.

· Analyze and summarize the individual’s major contributions to scientific or psychological thought.

· Explain how the individual’s ideas adhere to gestalt, topographical psychology, social psychology, cross-cultural psychology, psychoanalytical, individual psychology, or analytic psychology principles

Assignment 2 Due Thursday Aug 1 by 4PM CST. (2 Peer Reviews Due by Saturday Midnight)

Each student will locate and read a peer-reviewed journal article found in the Online Library and published within the past five years that relates to the main points found in this unit’s assigned chapters.

Each student will summarize the article and provide the URL link to where it is located; identify any relationship between the research article and the main points of the assigned chapters; and discuss how it relates to any main point(s) in this unit’s assigned chapters. Article abstracts are not sufficient for analysis of relationships between the article and the assigned readings historical ideas main points. You must read the entire article to come to your conclusions.

Assignment 3 Due Aug 3 Midnight CST

Short Essay

As we have moved throughout this course, I have repeatedly emphasized the fact that psychology’s past led to its present and can be seen all around us. On a daily basis, we are bombarded with the real-life application of psychology’s philosophies and principles. For the bonus activity, you have the opportunity to earn 10 points by completing two of the following activities:

1. Write a short essay on how psychology’s philosophical past influences you today.

2. Write a short essay on how psychology’s philosophical past influences society today.

Essay Rubric

These essays are worth up to 5 bonus points each, which will be assigned based on the degree to which the essays fulfill the following requirements:

1. The essay responds directly and intelligently to the prompt.

2. The essay refers specifically and accurately to assigned texts.

At the discretion of the instructor, points will be taken off any response that does not fulfill these goals.
