Question Description


Select only one (1) of the following questions for research. Research sources of information can include Internet sources, books, articles, videos, etc. Every explanation must include a picture/diagram that helps detail your answer. Then submit your answer to one of these in the Web Research 3.

  • What is Walther’s Law of Succession of Facies?
    • Define a facies and provide an example.
    • Explain how Walther’s Law works.
    • Why it is a critical concept for stratigraphers?
    • Include a picture/diagram to help in the explanation
  • What is a lithofacies map? Compare this to a geologic map.
    • What is a lithofacies map and what does it display?
    • What is a geologic map and what does it display?
    • Provide a comparison.
    • Include a picture/diagram of each to help in the explanation
  • What is a marine transgression and regression?
    • Define each, a transgression and regression.
    • Define the sequence of strata that indicate to geologists that each has occurred.
    • What are the major causes transgressions and regressions?
    • What is a cratonic sequence? Describe what happened during the Sauk Sequence (there are some great videos on YouTube produced by Community College students on this topic ??
    • Provide at least one map/diagram to help in the explanation.
  • In the Web Research 3 assignment:
    • State the questions you selected to research.
    • Post a synopsis of your research. Make sure that you address all questions and sub-questions. In the synopsis, include a brief explanation of the significance of the knowledge you learned from your research (two paragraphs) and on the importance to historical geology (one paragraph).
    • Cite the reference source(s) of your research in proper citation format.
    Grading Criteria
    Demonstrates comprehension of research question through detailed explanations. 3 points
    Applies concepts, definitions, etc. from assigned readings or other reference resources. 3 points
    Includes an explanation of the importance to the study of Historical Geology. 2 points
    Picture or diagram provided 1 point
    Writing is clear, concise and free of spelling and grammatical errors. Uses APA Style to cite reference sources. 2 points
    Comments to two (2) other students’ postings. 4 points
    TOTAL 15 points

    Do not worry about the commenting on 2 other students I will do that on the posting feed.
