Imagine that you are a tutor working with students one-on-one. You have four new students assigned to you for tutoring. The four new students are presented in the following media piece:

Read about the four students, and then choose one to focus on for your assignment. For this assignment, you'll create a learning plan for that student. Consider the student's age, the specific challenge(s) they are having, and what the learning goal may be. Identify one learning goal on which to focus.

 Amir.Middle childhood—5th grade.Math.Doesn’t like math and is distracted. 

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Lesson Plan Template


Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan for:

Created by:



1. Summarize the case and identify one learning goal:

1.b. Describe the problem or challenge in more detail (it might be academic, cognitive, or social):

2. Explain a plan to address the learning needs (either academic, cognitive, or social) of the individual, including specific steps for the plan. Use as many steps as you need.




2.b. If any materials are needed as part of the plan, describe those here:

3. Apply a theory and concepts from the theory to support the plan:

4. Apply research findings from professional scholarly research articles that support the plan:

5. Describe how the learning outcomes will be assessed:



Lesson Plan: Self-Evaluation

As you did on your previous assignment, conduct a self-evaluation of your work using the eight established scoring criteria and identifying the proficiency level for each criterion. The distinguished levels of the criteria are listed in the chart. In this self-evaluation, you are assessing your own performance. (You no longer need to describe the case or sources.)

Identify the level of your performance as either:

· Nonperformance.

· Basic.

· Proficient.

· Distinguished.

Provide a description of your reason for each score that you gave yourself. In this description, you can use first person since you are reflecting on your own performance.


Note: The distinguished levels of the criteria are listed in this chart.

Level (choose one for each criterion below):

· Nonperformance.

· Basic.

· Proficient.

· Distinguished.

Description of why you gave yourself each score:

Summarizes a case study with details most relevant to the learning goal and clearly and succinctly highlights an educational challenge or opportunity.

Describes in detail a lesson plan to improve learning.

Applies more than one learning theory to support a lesson plan.

Applies scholarly research findings from multiple scholarly articles to support a lesson plan.

Explains a plan for assessing the learning outcome and supports the plan with professional or scholarly information.

Assesses your personal performance on this assignment, including the proficiency for each criterion and an explanation of the scores with a clear reflection on your performance.

Presents a focused purpose through strong organizational skills. Presents evidence through strong paraphrasing or summarizing and appropriate tone and sentence structure.

Applies APA style, including in-text citations and full references for sources with few errors.


