Question Description

Please answer the following:

  1. According to the “The Evolving Terrorist Threat:” article by Joshua Sinai, several examples of the types of warfare terrorists generally employ to achieve their objectives were listed. What were they and how does each empower the terrorist?
  2. According to Gerstein, general agreement now exists that terrorists are “rational” actors. Their actions may not be understood by their victims or the governments and law enforcement agencies that attempt to deal with these threats, but they are far from random irrational acts. Chose a side of this argument and support it with a minimum of three different references.
  3. This is a 2 part question 1) Fully explain the CBRN agent threat posed by the group in the video “Rajneeshpuram: An Experiment to Provoke God” (the video can be found in the Week 4 Lesson); 2) and expound on if the key CBRN agent(s) threat they used in their actions is or is not a threat to our homeland today. Base your answer to the second part of the question upon additional research you conduct from the Internet or other reliable sources.
  4. Fully explain the threat posed by 4th Generation (Novichuk) Chemical Weapons. How have they been used by the Russian government and what makes them different from previous types of chemical weapons. Your answers should be based upon class readings and additional research you conduct from the Internet or other reliable academic sources.
  5. According to Sparrow’s Syria: Death from Assad’s Chlorine there is good chlorine, bad chlorine and deadly chlorine. How would the same characterizations made in Syria be applied to chlorine use and homeland security in the U.S.?

Technical Requirements:

Length: Minimum of 5 pages (1 page for each question), double spaced, 1? margins, 12 pitch type in Times New Roman font

Citations/References: You must use the APA style for this assignment.
