Professionals in the social sciences investigate human behavior and society for the purpose of understanding why people act the way they do. This investigation can help address a wide variety of social issues, such as the role of social media in the Arab Spring protests, the impact of social skills on future success, racial factors in police violence, and how partitioned grocery carts can help shoppers purchase healthier foods. Social scientists can help address issues such as these through research and investigation. The summative assessment for this course has two parts.

In Project One, you will conduct a research investigation that examines an issue in the social sciences. You will identify appropriate resources for investigating the issue you select, use these resources to apply social science principles to the issue, and develop a question related to the issue. In addition, you will identify an audience who would be interested in the selected issue.

In Project Two, you will develop a presentation for the audience you identified in Project One. In your presentation, you will explain how social scientific thinking has affected you and discuss the impact of the issue on your audience, supporting your claims with evidence.

Project One addresses the following course outcomes: ? Illustrate the impact of social scientific thinking on personal and professional experiences ? Select appropriate and relevant social science resources in investigating contemporary issues in the social sciences ? Communicate effectively to specific audiences in examining fundamental aspects of human behavior ? Apply essential principles of the social sciences in addressing critical questions related to human behavior Prompt In Project One, you will select a contemporary issue in the social sciences to investigate. You may select an issue discussed in the course, or you may select your own with instructor approval. You could consider using your question from SCS 100 if it is something you would like to investigate further for this assessment. After selecting an issue, you will conduct a research investigation, identifying appropriate resources for researching the issue, applying social science principles to your issue, and developing a question related to the issue. You will submit your research investigation as a written report. 2 Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: I. Introduction: In this section, you will discuss your social science issue and select resources that you can use to research the issue. Specifically, you should do the following: A. Describe the issue in the social sciences that you have selected to investigate. Why is this issue significant? B. Describe at least three social science resources that you could use to investigate the issue you selected. Your sources must be relevant to your issue and must be of an academic nature appropriate for the issue. In your description, consider questions such as these: What are the similarities and differences in the content of your sources? What makes them appropriate and relevant for investigating your issue? What was your thought process when you were searching for sources? How did you make choices? II. Body: In this section, you will use the social science resources that you selected to investigate your issue, focusing on an appropriate audience and the social science principles related to the issue. Be sure to cite your sources. Based on your research, address the following: A. Identify the social science principles that apply to your issue. In other words, which principles of social science apply to the issue you selected? B. Explain how the principles you identified apply to your issue. In other words, how are the social science principles you identified relevant to your issue? C. Identify an audience that would be interested in your issue. For example, who would benefit most from hearing your message? Or who could best help in addressing the issue? D. Describe how and why you can tailor your message to your audience, providing specific examples. For example, will your audience understand social scientific terminology and principles, or will you need to explain these? How will you communicate effectively with your audience? III. Conclusion: In this section, you will conclude your research investigation by discussing future directions for research. Specifically, you should do the following: A. Based on your investigation, develop a research question related to the issue you selected. In other words, what would you like to know more about? B. Explain how a social scientist would go about investigating the research question you developed. In other words, what would the next steps be if a social scientist were to continue researching your question? IV. Provide a reference list that includes all of the social science resources you used to investigate your issue and question. Ensure that your list is formatted according to current APA guidelines (or another format with instructor permission). 3 Project One Rubric Guidelines for Submission: Your research investigation should be 3 to 5 pages in length and should use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. You should use current APA style guidelines (or another format approved by your instructor) for your citations and reference list. Critical Elements Exemplary Proficient Needs Improvement Not Evident Value Introduction: Issue Meets “Proficient” criteria, and description is exceptionally clear and contextualized (100%) Describes selected issue in social sciences and its significance (85%) Describes selected issue in social sciences and its significance, but with gaps in detail or clarity (55%) Does not describe selected issue in social sciences or its significance (0%) 10.5 Introduction: Social Science Resources Meets “Proficient” criteria, and description of resources demonstrates strong understanding of information needed to investigate issues in the social sciences (100%) Describes at least three relevant and appropriate social science resources that could be used to investigate selected issue (85%) Describes at least three social science resources that could be used to investigate selected issue, but with gaps in appropriateness, relevance, or detail (55%) Does not describe at least three social science resources that could be used to investigate selected issue (0%) 10.5 Body: Identify Principles Meets “Proficient” criteria, and response demonstrates insight into essential social science principles (100%) Identifies social science principles that apply to issue, citing sources (85%) Identifies social science principles that apply to issue, but with gaps in accuracy or citation (55%) Does not identify social science principles that apply to issue (0%) 10.5 Body: Explain Principles Meets “Proficient” criteria, and response demonstrates insight into essential social science principles (100%) Explains how identified principles apply to issue, citing sources (85%) Explains how identified principles apply to issue, but with gaps in detail, clarity, or citation (55%) Does not explain how identified principles apply to issue (0%) 10.5 Body: Audience Meets “Proficient” criteria, and identification of audience demonstrates insight into issue (100%) Identifies an audience that would be interested in issue, citing sources (85%) Identifies an audience, but audience is not appropriate for issue or there are gaps in citation (55%) Does not identify an audience (0%) 10.5 Body: Message Meets “Proficient” criteria, and response demonstrates sophisticated understanding of how to effectively communicate with specific audience (100%) Describes how and why message can be tailored to audience, providing specific examples and citing sources (85%) Describes how and why message can be tailored to audience, but with gaps in examples or citation (55%) Does not describe how and why message can be tailored to audience (0%) 10.5 Conclusion: Research Question Meets “Proficient” criteria, and response demonstrates understanding of social scientific thinking (100%) Develops research question related to selected issue, based on investigation (85%) Develops research question related to selected issue, but question is not based on investigation (55%) Does not develop research question related to selected issue (0%) 10.5 4 Conclusion: Social Scientist Meets “Proficient” criteria, and response demonstrates understanding of social scientific thinking (100%) Explains how a social scientist would go about investigating research question (85%) Explains how a social scientist would go about investigating research question, but with gaps in clarity, detail, or logic (55%) Does not explain how a social scientist would go about investigating research question (0%) 10.5 Reference List Provides reference list that includes all social science resources used to investigate issue and question, ensuring that list is formatted according to current APA guidelines (100%) Provides reference list that includes all social science resources used to investigate issue and question, but list has gaps in adherence to current APA formatting guidelines (55%) Does not provide reference list that includes all social science resources used to investigate issue and question (0%) 10.5 Articulation of Response Submission is free of errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, and organization and is presented in a professional and easy to read format (100%) Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization (85%) Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas (55%) Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas (0%) 5.5 Total 10

this is project one

here is my first draft

Preforming the Research Investigation on effect of culture on rate of depression.

Introduction A.

To investigate the cultural issues as a social science factor, and how it affects the rates of depression, we will consider the fact that the mental state of a society keeps on remaining non static after each time period. At big odds, every normality and acts of the society will differ on the future timelines.  As a matter of fact, myriad effects arise due to effects of cultural variations. According to WHO, disability as a result of depression is ranked second after cardiovascular disease by the year 2020 as suicide tolls higher. (WHO, 2014). Statistics say about 80% of 450 million people with mental health damages is attributed to depressions. Also, accounting for the depression prevalence does vary according to geographical positions and locations, to imply the real extent to which culture does play to enhancement of expressions of distress (WHO, 2015).

Introduction B.

In this part we are going to discuss the three social science resources that can be used to investigate effects of cultural issues on depression rates. One of this resource is employment of qualitative research so as to serve as a bridge between theory and practical knowledge.  Another source is interviews that helps receive information from many knowledgeable people about this issue. Data from the focus group will be taken from personal narratives about the norms and cultural beliefs of people. Basing on the fact that scientific knowledge is situated, depression should be defined for the layman so that he/she may understand the context of how it relates to culture. To perform data analysis, both opinions and facts have to be considered in relation to culture.  Use of media as a statistical tool may also be a very good idea since many people are affiliated to media.


While investigating the factors that affect depression rate, all the principles of social sciences apply. A society has to always strive to maintain Values and Beliefs. Demarcation of contours therefore will not exist where cultural influences end and society influences begin. The reason as to why many may suffer from depression is due to cultural misunderstanding between patients and their medical practitioners. Ignorance of appropriate care is one value that if ignored leads to high depression. To solve this, we need to identify the principle of inclusivity of interests’ finders methods, perspectives and values. This will produce an informed public that reflects an equalized gross knowledge asymmetry.

Another principle is the principle of social norms that states that the attitude and behavior should be generally acceptable by the society. Privacy, diversification, dignified personnel and autonomy are the key characteristic of this principles. This will always create an evolved modernized society. Hitting expectations of social importance is used to measure the level of natural phenomena.

The identified principles of social sciences, a culture values and benefits can conflict with the social norms or social institutions. At times, depending on your geographical position, the confliction results to depression. Accessing the variable involved and the variability in defining each factor to a specific effect is therefore necessary.

To gauge the dichotomy of cultures and the extent to which the depression effects has been felt can be analyzed using DSM-5. This will always give the Major depressive symptoms which can be meditated over. After a deep analysis of the physical and emotional traits of a patient, different cultural practices will rate the level of depression. This is actually on the basis of intuition. Remember responses on culture can be addressed according to the principle of Scientific integrity and employment of most appropriate method.  Therefore, dealing with this problem will no longer be a nightmare if this principle is observed to the later.

Looking at the maximization of benefit and minimization of harm, it calls for good ethical positions. Social scientists must consider the optimality conditions behind the whole cost-benefit analysis of the groups and impact of the health status. Note that high research has evolved due to the increasing disparities associated with health level status. On this, we can look at the effect of ethnicity and racial implications on somatic disorders (DHHS,2000). Application of this rule can help solve the patients with co morbid disorders who are much likely to be unemployed and disabled, compared to singly-disabled patients (Druss et al, 2000).


There is need for depression to be solved. The efficacious and cost-effective treatments have to be availed in order to make health better especially to depression patients. To all scopes, need for awareness will be the best strategy to help support those suffering from this disorder. The impartation of these basic principles discussed above attribute tremendously to a better social scientist. In the current world, this field of social sciences really play a big role that cannot be neglected.


1.      Braun, V., & Clarke, V. (2006). Using thematic analysis in psychology. Qualitative research in psychology3(2), 77-101.

2.      Romer, C. D. (2003). Great depression. Forthcoming in Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved4(5), 11.

3.      DiCicco?Bloom, B., & Crabtree, B. F. (2006). The qualitative research interview. Medical education40(4), 314-321.

4.      Crawford, J. R., & Henry, J. D. (2004). The Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS): Construct validity, measurement properties and normative data in a large non?clinical sample. British journal of clinical psychology43(3), 245-265.

please piggy back off the first draft or add to it
