In this assessment task, you will demonstrate the knowledge or skills required to manage the communication, promotion and delivery of human resources services.

Assessment description

In response to a simulated business scenario and following on from work undertaken in Assessment Task 1, you will communicate information on human resources (HR) strategies, service level agreement/s (SLAs), performance standards in order to build understanding. You will also identify and manage underperformance through development of a coaching/performance management action plan.


Part A

1. Review the scenario information provided in the appendices of this assessment task and the simulated business information for JKL (in Assessment Task 1).

2. Review work completed and information gathered for Assessment Task 1, and in particular, the selected options for HR service delivery and action planning.

3. Develop a service level agreement (SLA) draft in response to HR requirements identified in Assessment Task 1. An SLA template is provided in Appendix 1. Attempt to align the service level agreements to the overall strategic and operational needs of the organisation.

For example, develop performance metrics related to financial or investor value, customer value, development of people or employee value, and the value added through improvement of HR management practices and processes. Remember to include the organisationâs values, code of conduct, and legal obligations.

4. Prepare to deliver a presentation to managers on the human resource strategies developed in Assessment Task 1, ensure that your presentation will cover the following.

a. Work to gain support for strategies and the draft SLA.

b. Discuss relationship of SLA to business performance at various levels of the organisation (for example, helps sales people meet customer needs, helps managers, helps senior managers, helps the organisation achieve its vision).

c. Discuss the need for training to enable effective implementation of SLA.

d. Discuss risk level and management (risk mitigation) for proposed strategies.

e. Discuss methods for monitoring performance against the SLA, for example strategies to:

â focus on building quality into the process and continuous improvement

â focus on preventing problems through early identification

â monitor constantly

â set clear accountabilities.

f. Discuss strategies for monitoring performance against SLA with respect to the organisationâs values, code of conduct, and legal obligations.

5. Deliver the presentation.

Part B

1. Identify of underperformance using the information provided in Appendix 2.

2. Develop an action plan to address underperformance of team or service providers. Address two of the three scenarios presented in Appendix 2. Action plans should include:

a. performance management activities

b. timelines

c. strategies to ensure success/integration with organisational values/policy/business ethics/legal requirements

d. resources

e. responsibilities.

Note: You may use the template provided in Appendix 3.

You must provide

1. Deliver a presentation on HR service delivery and strategies developed in Assessment Task 1. Submit presentation notes or slides

2. Submit draft service level agreements

3. Submit an action planfor delivery of SLA and rectify HR delivery underperformance in two of the three scenarios.

Your assessor will be looking for:

? analytical and problem?solving skills to review business and operational plans and to develop and evaluate human resources strategies to support them

? communication and negotiation skills to consult with key stakeholders across the organisation and ensure their support for human resources strategies

? communication skills to manage service delivery

? learning skills to see that performance is managed and skills are developed in a range of contexts

? technology skills to:

? communicate with key stakeholders

? support HR functions, including data collection and managing information according to legislation and organisational policies

? knowledge of human resources strategies and planning processes as they relate to business and operational plans

? knowledge of performance and contract management

? knowledge of relevant legislation that applies to human resources.

Appendix 1 â Service level agreement template

General Information



Service Performance



Hours of operations

Performance Expectations

Service expectations

Service Process/Area


Performance metric

Performance monitoring schedule

Working assumptions

Service constraints

Service level agreement maintenance

Terms of agreement

Periodic quality reviews

Issue resolution

Signatures to agreement



Appendix 2 â Performance issues

Case study â Service provider

You have completed a quality assurance audit for a service agreement with a recruitment provider.

The audit revealed that the service provider (PeoplePower) is not providing service at an adequate level:

? Recruitment process is taking too long.

? On several occasions, the service provider has failed to complete the three required reference checks, delaying the appointments as the reference checks are a requirement for appointment under the organisationâs recruitment policy. The service provider states that other organisations only require two and the extra check provides a burden on their ability to act within the timeframes of the service agreement.

? There is confusion over coordinating roles of the service provider and the organisation.

? The provider is providing incorrect information on benefits and rewards and remuneration policy to employees.

? Training of personnel (as stipulated in SLA) is inadequate to business needs.

The poor performance of the service provider has been impacting on the morale of employees and negatively impacting the business.

Case study â Line manager

You have monitored the performance of line managers with respect to implementing business strategies. Your monitoring activities revealed that sales managers are not following recruitment procedures in the following manner:

? They are not submitting request forms in the required time frames.

? They are failing to complete person specification forms as per the required procedures.

As a result, the external service provider has referred unsuitable candidates to the organisation and has not met the timeframes specified in the agreement.

The service provider has noted that line managers have been delaying final decisions for up to three weeks; in breach of the service agreement. Line managers are complaining they donât have time to do the final selection checklists provided by HR and that is what is delaying them. They say the forms are time consuming and they donât really understand what to do with them.

The delays have been impacting on the operational capabilities of the business, which is unacceptable.

Case study â HR Officer

You have completed a quality assurance audit for a service level agreement with the business.

The audit revealed that the HR officer in the Sydney service department is not providing service at an adequate level in the following ways:

? Providing incorrect information on benefits and rewards and remuneration policy to employees.

? Providing inadequate advice on training.

? Not following the organisationâs performance management policy.

? Failing to live up to the spirit of partnering with managers to further business goals; not listening to needs of managers and customer-facing staff in order to meet customer needs; not effectively translating higher level business goals to operational measures such as developing workforce capability; not promoting general understanding of business goals and employee buy in.

The lack of acceptable performance has been impacting on the operational capabilities of the Sydney service department, which is unacceptable.

Appendix 3 â Action plan template



Strategy/application of policy (if relevant)

