Our readings describe the various historical-cultural influences that have affected human sexuality. These historical-cultural influences include such events as the sexual revolution, the control of conception, the emergence of contraception, as well as the redefining of gender roles throughout history. Many of these events changed the way sexuality is viewed today. Using Prezi (http://prezi.com/), PowerPoint, or Word create a time-line and identify at least 7 important historical events that you believe influence sexuality today. Evaluate each of these events according to its significance in history and culture. Place the date, a brief description, or even a video clip of the historical-cultural influence. Please read the grading rubric below for additional guidance with this assignment.

All assignments and forums in the class are designed for you to demonstrate your understanding and your knowledge of the material content.  It is never acceptable or appropriate to simply provide information that is copied and pasted from a source – any source.  Even if the information were cited properly, copying and pasting does not demonstrate knowledge.   <o:p>

All assignments are submitted to Turnitin, which is a plagiarism checking tool.  Any assignment receiving a score of 30% or better raises serious concerns about the originality of your work.  An originality score should generally be no more than 20%.  Originality scores between 20 and 50% will be graded with a point deduction.  Any originality score over 50% after review will be graded with a 0.  Please keep this in mind as you are submitting work.   <o:p>

Grading Rubric

Assignment Week 1: Timeline

Possible points

Student points and instructor feedback

At minimum, 7 important historical events are identified.


Presentation is creative and unique, uncluttered, well-organized, and easy to read.


Thorough and accurate research on the topic is presented.

Presentation provides in-depth, informative, accurate information to include: an evaluation of each event according to its significance in history and culture is present.


References are included and follow APA 6th ed. formatting style.

Citations are included in the presentation to show how and where the references are used.


Writing Structure is clear and follows spelling, grammar and punctuation rules.

