Leading Teams

Prepare a report on leading teams. In your report, address the following:

  • Evaluate the value of leadership intelligence (including emotional, social, cultural, technical, etc. intelligence's required of a leader) in leading teams. Be sure to consider culturally diverse teams.
  • Assess the important indicators of leading with intelligence in organizations (emotional, cultural, etc.). What is seen, heard, experienced when leadership intelligence is or is not present?
  • Analyze some of the social and organizational consequences of not leading with intelligence (emotional, cultural, etc…)
  • Defend at least three ways that organizations might increase leadership      intelligence (emotional, cultural, etc.) organization wide. Defend your recommendations with research.

Recommendation for the level one headings for the body of your paper:

Leading with Leadership Intelligence

Indicators of Intelligent Leadership

Social and Organizational Consequences

Increasing Emotional Intelligence Organization Wide

Due by 8/2/24

Submission Details:

1. Make certain to include in text citations from your course text in addition to your outside leadership resources within your main post. This adds credibility to your argument. 

Textbook:    Katzenbach, J.R., & Khan, Z. (2010). Leading outside the lines: How to mobilize the informal organization, energize your team, and get better results.  San Francisco, CA: Jossey- Bass: 9780470589021

2. No plagiarism will be tolerated. Must be in 7th Edition APA format with cited sources within the last 5 years.

3. No AI support, score must be 0% and less than < 10% score on Turnitin

4. Submit your paper as a 3- to 4-page Microsoft Word document.

To add credibility to your arguments, you must cite often. As you forge ahead, please include citations from your course text in addition to your outside resources (minimally). In this way, you will be able to justify your premises

APA Guideline: 

1. Your Full title must be centered on the first line of page two.

2. Brief Conclusion; All papers must end with a comprehensive conclusion.

3. All references must be formatted according to APA 7th edition standards.

Leading Teams

Prepare a report on leading teams. In your report, address the following:

· Evaluate the value of leadership intelligence (including emotional, social, cultural, technical, etc. intelligences required of a leader) in leading teams. Be sure to consider culturally diverse teams.

· Assess the important indicators of leading with intelligence in organizations (emotional, cultural, etc.). What is seen, heard, experienced when leadership intelligence is or is not present?

· Analyze some of the social and organizational consequences of not leading with intelligence (emotional, cultural, etc…)

· Defend at least three ways that organizations might increase leadership intelligence (emotional, cultural, etc.) organization wide. Defend your recommendations with research.

Recommendation for the level one headings for the body of your paper:

Leading with Leadership Intelligence

Indicators of Intelligent Leadership

Social and Organizational Consequences

Increasing Emotional Intelligence Organization Wide

Due by 7/21/24

Submission Details:

1. Make certain to include in text citations from your course text in addition to your outside leadership resources within your main post. This adds credibility to your argument. 

Textbook:    Katzenbach, J.R., & Khan, Z. (2010). Leading outside the lines: How to mobilize the informal organization, energize your team, and get better results.  San Francisco, CA: Jossey- Bass: 9780470589021

2. No plagiarism will be tolerated. Must be in 7th Edition APA format with cited sources within the last 5 years.

3. No AI support, score must be 0% and less than < 10% score on Turnitin

4. Submit your paper as a 3- to 4-page Microsoft Word document.

To add credibility to your arguments, you must cite often. As you forge ahead, please include citations from your course text in addition to your outside resources (minimally). In this way, you will be able to justify your premises

APA Guideline: 

1. Your Full title must be centered on the first line of page two.

2. Brief Conclusion; All papers must end with a comprehensive conclusion.

3. All references must be formatted according to APA 7th edition standards.