You have researched the theoretical writings related to your selected mental disorder. You have also conducted field research about practice related to the disorderan interview with a mental health professional. Based on all of the information you have gathered, develop a paper that includes the following:
- Describe the cause, extent, and nature of the disorder, such as number of people diagnosed and under treatment, demographics, and other factors of interest.
- Explain how the selected disorder is diagnosed.
- Explain how the selected disorder is treated. Be sure to include all the views on appropriate treatment and comment on diversity of views or dissent.
- Differentiate the diagnosis of this disorder from those of the other disorders within the same diagnostic category.
- Comment on culturally bound syndromes, cultural biases, or the interplay between assessment and diagnosis and culture.
- Provide data from the professional interview completed relevantly and substantively integrating this information into the body of the paper. Provide the name of the interviewed professional with his/her credentials. Written transcripts of the interview should be recorded and submitted with the assignment (e.g. in paper as an appendices).
Write a 45-page paper in Word format. Make sure to review the rubric so as to address all necessary criteria. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.
Here are the questions I asked:
- What is your experience and background in treating people with Dementia?
- How would you best define Dementia?
- What causes Dementia?
- What are the signs and symptoms to look out for to know when to be tested?
- Are there any medications that can slow down the progression of this disorder?
- Will Dementia progress faster without medications?
- Does Dementia always develop into Alzheimers?
- Is Dementia hereditary?
- Is there any steps to take to prevent a person from getting this disorder?
- Is this disorder more prevalent in certain ethnicities?
And here are the answers from the Psychiatrist I interviewed. I will put his information in after I receive the paper:
1.seeking a diagnosis; accessing supports and services; addressing information needs; disease management; and communication and attitudes of health care providers. We conceptualized the health care experience as progressing through phases of seeking understanding and information, identifying the problem, role transitions following diagnosis and living with change.
2.Dementia isnt a specific disease. Instead, dementia describes a group of symptoms affecting memory, thinking and social abilities severely enough to interfere with daily functioning. Though dementia generally involves memory loss, memory loss has different causes
3.However it is not known if the dementia causes the brain cell death, or the brain cell death causes the dementia. But, as well as progressive brain cell death, like that seen in Alzheimers disease, dementia can be caused by a head injury, a stroke, or a brain tumor, among other causes.
4.Although the early signs vary, common early symptoms of dementia include: memory problems, particularly remembering recent events. increasing confusion. reduced concentration.
5.While there is no cure for dementia, several prescription medications can help slow the progression of the cognitive effects and other symptoms that dementia can cause.
6.Dementia may last many years, sometimes progressing faster, sometimes more slowly. This means that it is not possible for anyone to tell you exactly how the condition will progress and how long a person can live with dementia.
7.Dementia is a syndrome, not a disease. A syndrome is a group of symptoms that doesnt have a definitive diagnosis. Dementia is a group of symptoms that affects mental cognitive tasks such as memory and reasoning. It can occur due to a variety of conditions, the most common of which is Alzheimers disease
8.In most cases, vascular dementia itself is not inherited. However, a parent may pass certain genes that increase the risk of developing vascular dementia.
9.Learn a second (or third, or fourth) language.
Drink raw fruit and vegetable juices.
Add a vitamin K supplement to your diet.
Reduce stress.
Commit to regular exercise.
Laugh more. ..
10.According to research published in 2016, African Americans have the highest risk of dementia 38 percent over a 25-year period beginning at age 65. They were followed by the American Indian/Alaska Native group at 35 percent, Latinos at 32 percent, Pacific Islanders at 25 percent, whites at 30 percent, and Asian Americans at 28 percent.