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You will be designing a new social welfare program and will incorporate terms from the word bank listed below. The directions are as follows:
Social Welfare program topic for this project is Mental Health Sector
1. Develop a program to serve that policy sector (this could be a community education, outreach, advocacy, micro practice such as a counseling or case management component), etc Describe it and state the goals of the program.
2. Then choose at least 8 terms from the word bank below to describe different aspects of your program.
For example: (Please note that the italicized words are coming from the word bank).
I have chosen to write about the global policy sector. I would like to develop a community outreach program called Helping Hands. This program will focus on helping immigrant children dealing with trauma receive more support at school to improve academic and social functioning. The program seeks to develop an afterschool program to support immigrant children with emotional and social needs. I will utilize the guidance counselor and community volunteers to help start the program. The program will include groups, language training, emotional management and cultural awareness classes.
I chose to develop this program to focus on the dignity and worth of individuals by .I have noticed that this population experiences a lot of micro-aggressions, some examples include This group aims to expand choice and opportunity through activities such as ..this program will support the micro and mezzo levels of practice by
Choose a minimum of eight concepts to include in your program. Refer to your power points and textbook for definitions.
1. Inequality
2. Social Justice
3. Institutional Social Welfare
4. Residual Social Welfare
5. Economic Justice
6. Affordability and Accessibility of Programs and Accountability of Agencies
7. Making social programs more relevant
8. Scope and Effectiveness of Programs
9. Expand choice and Opportunity
10. Health/Education Disparities
11. Self-Determination
12. Prevention Strategies
13. Micro, Mezzo and Macro Levels of Practice
14. Micro aggressions
15. Promoting Care to Communities
16. Importance of Human Relationships