Review Chapter 13 and Chapter 14 in your textbook. Next, consider the following questions:

  • In what ways are public sector (government) unions similar to private sector (corporate) unions?  In what ways are they different?
  • How does the 2018 Supreme Court ruling in the Janus v. AFSCME case potentially change the landscape for public sector unions? 
  • How does the labor relations process work differently when multinational corporations are involved?  What is transnational bargaining, and why is it important in this context?
  • How do labor unions operate differently in other industrialized nations?  (You do not need an exhaustive list here; just share some observations about what struck you as interesting.)

Write an essay that addresses these topics in detail. You should not be writing a question and an answer; rather, write an essay that describes your understanding of these subjects, with the questions above as prompts to help steer your thoughts. The result should be a post that stands on its own as an academic paper, not a Q&A from a classroom assignment. (This will be helpful to you as you work on your Final Paper later in the course, so doing good work now will save you time later on.)

Use in-text citations to show where you are applying or discussing content from your textbook. In addition, be sure to cite where you are applying or discussing content from external research that you decide to use, if any. (External sources are not required, but are likely to help your grade.) End your post with a References list that gives the full details about the sources. In-text citations and References should be formatted according to APA standards.

Share your initial post in this Discussion board by Thursday evening. Give substantive responses to at least two classmates’ initial posts by Sunday evening. “Substantive” responses are not “Great post!” or “I like that you…” or “I agree…” type of reactions, but rather, thorough responses that include new connections to research, detailed examples from your own workplace experience, etc. Your classmates should always be learning something new from your responses.


Discussions will use the following Grading Rubric:

  • 25% Initial Post Comprehension: Develops an initial post with clear point of view, using rich and significant detail to demonstrate mastery of the learning topic.
  • 15% Initial Post Application: Utilizes course materials and/or independent research to support your points.
  • 10% Initial Post Timeliness: Submits initial post by midnight on Thursday evening during the assigned week.
  • 25% Follow–Up Substantive Comments: Provides substantive responses to at least two classmates’ threads, adding new insights, research, and/or examples to further classmates’ learning.
  • 15% Writing: Writes posts and responses that are easily understood, clear and well organized, and with appropriate grammar and spelling.
  • 10% Citations and References: Uses proper APA-style citation methods when referring to other sources, including assigned content.
