Assignment apply Armani brand from Italy to turkey do 1 proposal which we done I tach for you. 2 presentation my part about culture issues :religoun/language/etc 3 report also my part is host country environment culture-labour law-OHS requirementÂ…. 650 WORDS words Aim The assignment has two aims; first to analyse an international business environment and the critical human resource factors; second, to prepare a strategic international human resource management plan. Background Human Resource Management in a Global Economy In your groups decide upon a Multinational National Enterprise (MNE) or a Not for Profit organisation from either a developed or an emerging economy and then select a host country in which the organisation will expand. You are a part of an executive group that needs to prepare a report and presentation for the Managing Director of International Operations, on the viability of entering that country. Your group has to identify an organisation and design a Strategic International Human Resource Management (SIHRM) plan. It is expected that the research for this will go beyond just the relevant textbook chapters and that you will build on the reading that that is prescribed for the subject. Each group must choose a different MNE or Not for Profit. Identify an appropriate MNE or Not for Profit and describe your company and its operations. Give your reasons for international expansion and describe your entry strategy. Explain why the host country is an appropriate country in which to operate, give your rationale for this choice. Analyse the country environment in which the MNE will operate including a cultural analysis and the critical HR factors that you need to consider. Develop a detailed Strategic International Human Resource Management plan for both expatriates and local staff. This should be of significant and include an operational plan (i.e. specific numbers of staff and position titles and key activities) and a chronological course of action with timelines.