As with the previous discussion topics, I do not think the solution to this growing problem of opioid addiction is clear-cut. I also do not think the blame for overuse of opioid prescriptions lies squarely with just one entity. Based on the readings provided for this week, I do think that the majority of the blame falls upon the pharmaceutical manufacturers because it was mentioned that they deny that they are even slightly addictive, and that they put a lot of money into the political side. However, doctors should be making informed choices, so they should research the validity of the claims of the drug companies. I have done research on this topic for other classes, and actually attended some support groups for recovering addicts and their families. The majority of those people said they became addicted because they were prescribed meds that were highly addictive, were prescribed way more than they actually needed, and then turned to things like heroin once refills of prescriptions were not an option any more. They also were all adamant that medical marijuana was a gateway to addiction, so that was interesting to me. I do not think enough research, or results are available to determine what afflictions medical marijuana can help, but I do believe there are likely many. I also have done a little research on that topic, and I think that it has great potential for success in a wide variety of medical problems, from children with seizures to side effects of chemo, but there still is work to be done here as well. I know that there are alternative therapies available like at UMASS medical center in Worcester that have pain clinics offering alternative to prescriptions for pain management (like mindfulness, acupuncture, etc.), which also can be helpful). I also know that Gov. Baker passed some legislature to limit the amount of medication that can be prescribed at one time, like just a weeks supply instead of 30 or 90 days.