Submit a paper that is 12 to 15 pages in length (no more no less), exclusive of the reference page. The paper must be double spaced in Times New Roman font, 12 points in size. The paper should cite at least six sources in APA format. One source can be your textbook. Please make sure you review the Assignment Rubric.
The past 7 weeks, we learned about Leadership to demonstrate your understanding, please complete the following:
Your team owns a consulting firm specializing in the development of organizational leadership. You have been hired by a corporation to help them improve their leadership team by doing the following:
Identifying individual leaders by explaining what leadership skills are needed; their traits and ethics, leadership behavior and motivation, influencing power, politics, networking, and negotiation traits leaders possess.
Developing team leadership by explaining how charismatic and transformational leadership may benefit the organization.
Explaining the importance of leadership of culture, ethics, and diversity and how to improve this within the organization.
Developing their organizational leadership by explaining the benefits of a charismatic and transformational leader.
Please write your answers in essay form and make connections between the different topics as you move from one paragraph to the other. A table of contents will be required, as well as an abstract. Do not identify the question by numbering your answer in your essay. Your paper should flow and please do not forget to write an introduction and a conclusion.
Please use APA formatting in your paper. A good resource to brush up on your APA skills is the OWL website –
The company we chose is Microsoft. I need someone to read the professorÂ’s comments and do the paper, correcting what he asked for.
APA format is really important, Can not miss any of this format.
Also, all those questions should be answered as we are a consultant company hired by Microsft. Part of my group did not answer question 4, so we really need all those questions to be answer.