Question Description


Why is the Republican Party mostly Conservative (Classical Liberalism) while the Democratic Party is mostly Liberal (Modern Liberalism)?


Outline for Term Paper (5 points out of 100): This will be a formal Outline due in Week 5. It will be the “blueprint” for the argumentative/analytical Term Paper due at the end of class. You pick and then modify any of the Discussion Questions from the 8 weeks. You must make an argument (take a side), get evidence (from legitimate, mainstream sources), and persuade me of your argument. It needs to be 2+ pages long, in any standard outline format, and needs to include a thesis, arguments, a conclusion, and a Works Cited section (with at least 6 legitimate, mainstream sources using proper English and a URL if needed); if you miss any of these you will lose points. Carefully examine the Example under Course Documents. The Outline should be submitted through Canvas as a MS Word file (.doc or .docx); any other format will be rejected and you will get a 0 (TROY Policy). Name the files correctly (POL3300_YOURNAME_ASSIGNMENT.DOC i.e. POL3300_Smith_Outline.doc) or you will lose points (since I receive scores of these each week and need to file them efficiently and correctly for your sake and mine).
