Please use these questions to guide the flow of your essay. The content of your narrative must be substantive:
- What political system is in place in the country of choice that may affect the introduction or distribution of your product?
- How may the economic system of this country affect the introduction, production, or importation of your product?
- What legal systems are in place that may affect the introduction of your product?
- What macro-political and economic changes could affect the distribution of this product?
- What evidence demonstrates whether this country is transitioning into a market-based economy or whether it has an established market-based economy and how does it affect production or distribution of your selected product?
- What are the management implications in the political economy that may affect the distribution of your product?
- How can the issues if any be resolved? Please, explain in detail
Ethical Issues:
Please use these questions to guide the flow of your essay. The content of your narrative must be substantive:
- What possible ethical issues might arise, or are already present at the manufacturing plant or organization that you have selected? Please explain.
- Does your selected company promote Human Rights? What policies do they have in place? Are they involved in any ethical or unethical issues?
- What employment practices might be illegal or unethical?
- What cultural factors affect the way American companies as a whole do business overseas?
- What cultural factors may affect or impact the way your selected country does business overseas?
- Could there be conflict between these two countries? Why? Explain
- Based on the CPI, what is your countrys corruption index? What are your countrys characteristics or cultural norms that led them to the indicated CPI?
- Does the country selected promote Human Rights? Is it a dimension of the foreign policy? How is it enforced? Explain
- What are the ethical implications as your product is distributed to this country?
- What are the implications based on your selected distribution strategy?
Grading Criteria Research Paper
Introduction You have clearly developed an effective introduction to your research paper. The background is set and the thesis statement is clearly defined.
Organization of Ideas -Your ideas are clearly expressed and articulated. Transitions between paragraphs move the reader easily from one idea to the next. You have accurately analyzed the relationship between the resources, your ideas and the topic selected
Synthesis of Ideas -Ethical Issues You have clearly defined any ethical issues that are present, or could be present, based on cultural norms that affect the workforce, employment practices and the production or the trade of the selected product
Synthesis of Ideas Political System You have demonstrated knowledge of the political system and its implications on international trade
Font is Calibri 11 and you have met the minimum number of words required **