(Chap 13: Leadership Power and Negotiation)
Students will complete a case study report that assesses understanding of chapter material, which occurs within the context of investigating a firm. To begin, reread the chapter on which this case is based. Next, look up the company website on which this case is based?.
Your paper should ?specifically refer to and incorporate relevant material from the class textbook?, and add additional relevant critical thinking about the topic area. Seek out and make proper use of additional information as needed. Do not answer the questions by simply quoting text material. Rather, summarize the material and offer additional insights.
Formatting Requirements
Your paper ?must include the following? ?subtitles?, each of which are to appear on a line of their own. Reports without subtitles are unacceptable, and will automatically lose 5 points.
Power and Influence
Case Responses
The last page of these instructions provides an explanation of each section that you are to follow in completing this report. In addition, the following requirements apply to this report:
? Cover Page: Name, Date, Course/Section, Assignment Title. ? A double-spaced typed report that utilizes the subtitles. Use Arial 10 pt. font.
Explanation of Sections
You are to address each section in report format (i.e. write in full, grammatically-correct sentences).
? Introduction? Your introductory paragraph will lay out the ?key issues? that will be writing about. The last sentence will be your thesis statement, which is developed, supported, and explained in the course of the paper by means of examples and evidence.
? Power and Influence? Zappos employs a somewhat unique ?method of decentralized management and organizational governance in which authority and decision-making are distributed throughout self-organizing teams rather than being vested in a management hierarchy.? Based on your reading of the article, how does power work at Zappos? How does anything ever get done? Which influence tactics does ?Tony Hsieh? seem to employ, and do you believe that his management style played any part in? ?the companys success?
In this section, please ?bold? the chapter keywords when referenced.
? Case Responses? Answer the questions at the end of the Zappos textbook case.
Number your responses, but do not include the questions.