PPMP20007       Assessment item 3 — Group presentation

Due date:

Submit electronic copy of the presentation resources by the due date shown in the unit profile and on the Moodle website. Marks will be deducted for late submission of materials.

Workshop Presentation – during the term (commencing Week 6) as organised by your tutor –  No marks will be awarded if the presentation is not given in the scheduled workshop.





15 minutes; Maximum 15 slides for presentation (not counting the title slide, any questions slide, reference slide(s) amd member contribution slide – see details below)

Submission of Assessment Item

The link for the assessment item submission can be found in the assessment block on the unit website. One member of the group must submit the following files:

1.      PowerPoint slides (plus script). The PowerPoint slides must include the detailed script associated with each slide in the notes section of the slide. The slides and script must include the following:

§  A title slide with the title of the presentation and the names and student ids of the presenters.

§  Appropriate referencing showing the source of the content for each slide.

§  An introduction slide, the “body” of the presentation followed by the conclusion slide.

§  An “Any Questions?” slide. In the notes associated with this slide the script must also include at least three questions that could be posed by the audience at the end of the presentation. Responses must also be provided for these final questions. Each group member must be responsible for at least one of these “end of presentation questions”. The notes/script it must clearly show the group member responsible for each question.

§  The references slide(s).

§  The member contribution slide(s), listing the tasks involved in developing the presentation and each member’s contribution to the presentation. Marks cannot be awarded for the presentation if this is not included.

§  The script must also include questions (with associated answers/discussion points) designed to facilitate discussion and interaction with the audience during the presentation. These must be included at the appropriate point in your script (in the notes section of the PowerPoint slides).

2.      The class summary handout

3.       Distance education students must also submit a recording of their presentation. This can be a recording made as part of the PowerPoint slides or a separate recording.

All members of the group are responsible for ensuring that the presentation files have been submitted on Moodle by the due date. Student marks for the presentation will be returned via this system. On-campus student presentations will not be graded until after their class presentation.

Overview of assignment

This is a group assignment for on-campus students (off-campus/distance education students may work on the presentation assignment individually).

On-campus students will be organised into groups of three (3) people. Groups will be organised in the weekly workshops in weeks 1 to 2. Groups and preferred topics must be communicated to the tutor by the end of week -2 and your tutor will finalise your topics by the end of week 3.

Students must not change their tutorial/workshop class after week 2.

Each group is to give a presentation about an aspect of project management. The intention is that no topic should be covered more than once during the term, so the tutor will approve topics on a first come basis.  

For on-campus students the class presentations will commence in week 6. Your local tutor will schedule when your topic is to be presented in your workshop. However, all the research and preparation for the presentations must be completed and submitted in Moodle before the start of week 6 (when class presentations commence). See the exact due date and time in Moodle and in the unit profile. Note that marks cannot be awarded until after your class presentation.

For off-campus studentsyou are required to submit a recording of your presentation as well as your resources for the presentation (slides, handouts etc.). All the research and preparation for the presentations must be completed and submitted in Moodle before the start of week 6. See the exact due date and time in Moodle and in the unit profile.

Topic Selection

You must provide your tutor with the details of the members of your group and your top two preferred topics by the end of week two. This allows time for you to negotiate an alternative topic if necessary. However, the earlier you send the tutor details about your group and your preferred topic, the more likely you are to get your preferred topic.

Your tutor will notify you about the topic you are finally allocated and when your group is scheduled to present in class. The topics and presentation schedule must to be finalised by the end of Week 3.

Your presentation can be about:

1.      Any area of project management that is related to the weekly topics and adds a significant body of new material, a different perspective or depth to the information already covered in the course lecture material. It is important that you extend your knowledge and that of the class beyond what will be covered in this unit during the term.

There is scope to research and present more information about many of the weekly topics. For example, in the Quality Management week students may wish to investigate Six Sigma further or ICT students may wish to cover more detail about quality management in the Software Engineering discipline.

2.      Any other topic that is related to project management that is approved by your tutor.  Some suggested topics are provided in Appendix B of this document.

You are expected to find appropriate reference material (at least three, good, recent, relevant references).

Remember to relate your presentation to managing a project and explain the significance of your content to project management. Often this is best illustrated with examples from your experience or actual project management scenarios.

In this assignment, you can also draw from your experiences and incorporate them into the assignment. If you don’t have any work/project experience, that’s fine too.  You can also take the opportunity to be controversial and find academic and trade literature that challenges an aspect of the material you are presenting.  Pose questions – make your audience think.  Both on-campus and off-campus students are required to produce the script for the presentation that should include some potential questions and responses indicating where you would pose questions to engage your audience. In addition, the end of the script is to include three potential questions (with their answers) that you would anticipate being asked by your audience at the end of the presentation. Each member of a group must be responsible for at least one of the “potential audience questions” at the end of the presentation.

Students should contact their local tutor about any issues such as the membership of their group, selection of presentation topic, and schedule for their presentation.

Off-campus/Distance students:The unit coordinator takes on the role of the tutor. Off-campus are not required to present in class, but are required to submit a recording of their presentation. All recordings must be submitted by the due date shown on the unit website.

CQUniversity Library has many databases that contain refereed full-text journal articles. This is also a useful source of material for your assignment. The following library links may also be useful to help you get started:



Please check with your tutor if you need to discuss your choice of topic. Remember that you must obtain approval for your topic choice.

Presentation – more detailed requirements

1.     The time limit for the presentation is 15 minutes for the presentation (as a guide this should be no more than 15 slides not counting the title slide, references, “any questions”, and group contribution slides) plus 5 minutes for final questions and discussion at the end. It is important to adhere to the time limit set.

  1. All members of the group must give approximately equal parts of the presentation to the audience.

3.     All members of the group must be familiar with all the material in the slides and be able to present any part of the presentation and/or answer questions related to any part of the presentation.

4.     All members of the group are responsible for the whole presentation in terms of content, flow of material, resources and timing. You must rehearse your presentation together before you present to the class.

5.      The presentation format is to be determined after discussion with the local tutor. Innovative presentations will be welcomed, but discuss your plans and get approval from your local tutor prior to the presentation.

6.      All groups must prepare a handout in a format that students can use as a summary of the main points of the presentation. The handout must include the references. On-campus students must produce a set of class handouts to distribute to the members of the class on the day of their presentation.

7.      All groups are to include their script as part of their presentation submission, that is, exactly what would be said if they were giving the presentation in front of an audience. The script should show clearly what would be said/discussed with each slide and should include any questions that would be posed to engage/interact with your audience . This script is to beincluded in the ‘Notes’ section of your .PPT file.

8.      The script associated with the “any questions” slide must include 3 questions that are likely to be asked by your audience and your proposed answers to those questions. In group presentations, each member of the group must be responsible for one of the questions. Make sure that you show clearly which group member is responsible for each question and answer.

9.      One member of the group must upload the group’s presentation materials electronically via the unit website by the due date for submissions. All group members are responsible for ensuring that all the presentation files have been submitted on Moodle by the due date. Marks will be deducted for late submissions. Student marks for the presentation will be returned via this system. On-campus student presentations will not be graded until after their class presentation and marks will not be released for this assignment until all presentations are complete.

10.   Presentations must proceed on the allocated day. If the group does not present their topic to the class on the allotted day they will receive 0 marks (unless granted an extension by the unit coordinator). As all members of the group are required to be familiar with and capable of presenting the whole presentation a group will be expected to give the presentation as scheduled even if someone in the group is absent.  Alternative arrangements will be made for an absent  group member to give the presentation if he/she is granted an extension. (An extension will only be granted if a student meets the conditions for extensions described in the CQU assessment policy. An extension request based on a medical condition must be supported by a medical certificate that meets the requirements of university policy. You must apply for extensions through the extension system. See the extension link on Moodle.)

11.  Students must ensure that all material used in the presentation is referenced appropriately on the slides. Students must ensure that where relevant hypertext links to the relevant references are made in their presentation. All slides must show the source(s) of the content or marks will be deducted.

12.   Students must include a slide after the “Any Questions” slide with the list of references.

13.   Students must include a “Member Contribution” slide(s) showing the tasks involved in developing the presentation and each member’s contribution. This not to be presented as part of your class presentation. It is information for the marker. The tutor cannot allocate marks without this information.

14.   Students must include a summary handout. This must include references and on-campus students must print a class set of the handouts to be distributed at the start of their class presentation.

The marking criteria are listed on the presentation marking guide (below) and more detailed notes about the marking criteria and giving good presentations are provided after the marking guide. They will help you to prepare for your presentation. There is also a link to a CRO chapter from Gido & Clements on the unit website. This chapter has a good section describing how to give a good presentation.

As this is a group assignment, a high standard of research and presentation is expected. All group members are expected to contribute and help each other in preparing and delivering the presentation. Groups are to decide amongst themselves the tasks to be completed by each member, but remember that all members of the group are responsible for the presentation as a whole and all members of the group must be familiar with all aspects of the presentation. More than one student can contribute to each task. Forexample, each student should be responsible for researching the topic and finding appropriate references.

Marking Guide for Assessment item 3 – Presentation


Available Marks

1.    Presentation structure:

a. Introduction.

        Introduce the speakers and the  topic (make it clear what you

        plan to talk about in the presentation – remember the 3Ts).

        Aim to engage your audience from the beginning of the


       This mark also considers  first impressions created by the speakers

       Be professional in your behaviour and appearance. Be prepared


2 marks

b. Body.

        Marks will be given for the quality of the content and correct  

        referencing of the sources of the material. The content must 

        expand the knowledge of the class beyond the scheduled lecture

        material for the course.

Marks are also based on the flow and fluency of the presentation.

5 marks

c. Conclusion.

        Summarise the key points and conclusions.(Remember the 3Ts –

        summarise and conclude)

2 marks

2.    Questions facilitating discussion during the presentation  and at the end of the presentation

This includes marks for questions to be posed to the audience during the presentation and for the three proposed “audience questions and answers” at the end of the presentation. Each student should be responsible for at least one of these questions.

        Note that for on-campus students the final 3 questions can be discussed in class if there is time after audience questions.

2 marks

3.    Delivery and coping with questions/facilitating discussion.

Marks for delivery of the material. For on campus students this will also include how well students handled questions from the audience. Each group member should be responsible for answering questions for a section of the presentation. If appropriate, other group members can also contribute to the answer after the student responsible has been given an opportunity to answer.

4 marks

4.    Visual aids (e.g. slides), summary handout, script.

       Marks for quality of the slides, quality of the script and  a good summary handout with the reference list. For on campus students this must be provided to students in the class on the day of the presentation.

3 marks

5.    Timing

Timing must be within the range of 13 – 15 minutes.

2 marks

6.    Member Contribution Slide

This must be submitted by all groups before the work can be marked. It is

        compulsory for all groups.

[These criteria and additional advice are described in more detail in the notes in Appendix A.]

Note: Group members will not necessarily receive the same mark for this assignment. An individual’s mark will be based on their delivery of the presentation and their contribution to the assignment.

Appendix A: Additional Advice and Notes Regarding the Marking Criteria and Delivery of Presentations.

1.            Presentation structure:

a.      Introduction:

·        greet the audience courteously

·        title/topic made clear

·        purpose of the presentation is clear

·        issues to be discussed are outlined

·        unusual terms defined adequately.

Speaker/presentation appearance and other first impressions:

·        appropriate standard of dress for the occasion (tidy and free of distracting features)

·        first impression was one of confidence and poise

·        speaker appeared confident and purposeful before starting to speak

·        speaker attracted audience’s attention from the outset

·        little or no fidgeting and few distracting mannerisms

·        presentation format is simple, clear and appealing

·        For off-campus students this will be marked on the basis of their recording, script and PowerPoint slide presentation.

b.      Body of presentation:

·        each issue from the Intro is discussed simply and clearly, and conclusions/recommendations made, if relevant

·        sufficient information and detail are provided

·        sufficient periodic recapitulation

·        appropriate and adequate use of examples/anecdotes

·        discussion flowed logically.

·        the material is relevant and new

·        good sources of reference material were used to prepare the presentation

·        references included (and reference slide included at the end)

c.      Conclusion:

·        ending of presentation signalled adequately

·        main points summarised adequately – ideas brought to fruition

·        conclusion linked to Introduction and follow from discussion in the Body

·        final message is clear and easy to remember

·        opportunity for questions from the audience

·        reference slide included at the end

2.      Questions facilitating discussion during the presentation  and at the end of the presentation

·        Inclusion of questions designed to facilitate discussion with an appropriate response (or possible responses) for each question. These are to be included during the presentation to engage with the audience. They must be shown clearly in the script.

·        Any questions slide at the end of the presentation. Students must propose at least three questions that might be posed by the audience with an appropriate response to each of the questions.

3.      Delivery and coping with questions/facilitating discussion:


·        speech clear and audible to entire audience

·        suitable vocabulary (few clichés, little jargon and repetition)

·        interesting variety in tone of voice

·        clarity and quality of pronunciation

·        little false or excessive use of spoken emphasis

·        short comprehensible sentences

·        presentation directed to all parts of audience (on-campus presentation)

·        eye contact held with audience throughout the presentation (on-campus presentation)

·        meaningful gestures appropriately used

·        full text not read

·        each speaker kept to his/her time limit (start on time and finish within the time frame)

·        good use of time without rushing at the end

·        pace neither too fast or too slow

·        showed enthusiasm

·        audience rapport (e.g. approachable)

Coping with questions/facilitating the discussion (relevant to on-campus students0:

·        interact with the audience courteously

·        invited audience to ask questions

·        whole audience searched for questions

·        ability to listen

·        questions answered in order

·        questions handled adeptly

·        full audience addressed with answers

·        speaker maintained control of discussion

·        “any questions slide”

4.            Visual aids (slides), summary handout, script

·        visual aids clearly visible to entire audience

·        overhead/slide projector/computer, equipment etc. operated correctly

·        speaker familiar with own visual aids

·        visual aids well–prepared (content well-presented on the slides, not too cluttered, slides consistent, easy to read, good use of diagrams and images, bullet points to show key points etc.)

·        effective use of handouts and/or visual aids (i.e. integrated into the presentation)

·        handouts well–prepared and useful – a good summary and with reference list

·        Script clear and well written. Script must make it clear how each part of the script relates to the slides. Questions and answers must be easy to find within the script. (see criteria 2).

5.            Timing

·        The timing of the presentation must be within the range 13- 15 minutes and ideally 15 minutes in length. If it is longer than 15 minutes, the tutor will be required to interrupt your presentation. All students in the group are responsible for ensuring that the timing for the overall presentation falls within this range.

6.            Contribution to the group

·        All groups must submit this document before marks can be awarded. It will be taken into consideration when marking each student’s work.

·        Examples of the tasks for this assessment item are

–                  researching the topic

–                  developing the slides,

–                  producing the handout, printing the handout,

–                  developing the script

–                  developing the embedded questions and answers

–                  developing the final “any questions” questions

–                  practicing the presentation

·        Note that more than one student can contribute to each task. Forexample, each student should be responsible for researching the topic and finding appropriate references.All members of the group should work together to make sure that the introduction, body andconclusion flow and are appropriate. It is also acceptable (and expected) that all students will be involved in all or most of the tasks. It is also acceptable to give an indication of each student’s contribution to each task (e.g. 30%, 50%).

 [The above marking guide was adapted from examples given in ‘Assessing learning in universities’, 1996, compiled by P. Nightingale, I. Wiata, S. Toohey, G. Ryan, C. Hughes, D. Magin.]

Additional Information/Advice

1.      If possible, check out the venue and technical equipment beforehand.

2.      Know your introduction especially well – have the first two or three sentences well rehearsed so that the delivery starts well, is fluent and creates a good first impression. (You will also start to feel less nervous once you are started.)

3.      Know your conclusion especially well – this is also very important in terms of the impression you leave on the audience plus as stated in the earlier notes it is important that the final message is fluent, clear and easy to remember

4.      Practice – (many times so that you are fluent, don’t stumble, feel confident and are comfortable with any time limits). Have trial runs of the presentation.  Give the presentation to someone (or something). This could be a family member, a friend or even your dog. You can only check the timing by actually speaking and giving the presentation. Where possible get feedback from your “practice audience”.

“Death by PowerPoint” videos

·         “Life After Death by PowerPoint” Don McMillan

·        “How to avoid death by PowerPoint” David JP Phillips (YouTube TEDx Talks)

Appendix B: Suggested Presentation Topics

Some suggested topics are shown below. Remember this is only a 15 minute presentation so you have to decide what aspects of a topic you are going to focus on in your presentation. Some topics below have more content than could be covered in a 15 minute presentation (e.g. procurement management). In that case the tutor may allow different groups to focus on different sub-topics.


  1. You are expected to find appropriate reference material (at least three, good, recent, relevant references).
  2. You are to relate your presentation to managing a project and explain the significance of your content to project management. Often this is best illustrated with examples from your experience or actual project management scenarios.

a.      Leadership: For example:

·        Different leadership styles.

·        The types of power leaders use.

·        How to learn to be a good leader and what makes a good leader.

·        Stephen  Covey and improving effectiveness.
