For this assignment you will do research on two primate species whose names are printed on a sticker below. One is a prosimian and the other is an anthropoid. You are to answer the series of questions in this assignment using your text, the Internet and library reference books to find the information. I advise you to use all three of these. Among the very best sources to use to find information about your species is The Pictorial Guide to Living Primates by Noel Rowe. There are copies on reserve at both the Shatford Library (textbook reserve) and the Social Sciences Learning Center. The Internet and your textbook can help you with any concepts or terms that are unfamiliar to you or need clarification (many will be explained in lecture so make sure to come to class!). If you have a hard time locating the information for the assignment (particularly for the prosimian species which can be quite difficult) it is often a good strategy to gather information on closely related species. Be careful, howevernot all closely related species are similar and you are graded on the accuracy of your answers. This means that you should be discriminating in your use of sources, especially the Internet. Make sure the sites you use are reliable! This assignment is worth 100 points (or 10% your grade). It must be filled out in pen or computer-printed (no pencil). You must turn in the original assignment form (with the label), even if you print another copy (in that case, staple the new copy to the original). If you have lost the original or were absent, contact the professor. It must be filled out in pen or computer-printed (no pencil). It is due in class on Wednesday, October 31. Good luck!
Provide the following information
?Anthropoid Species
Scientific Name
Geographic range
and habitat
Estimated Population (this may not be available)
Level of endangerment
(include rating organizationi.e. USESA, CITES)
Average social group size
and composition
Diet (include all major foods eaten
beginning with most important
provide percentages if possible)
Average Life expectancy
(specify captivity or wild)
Major Predators
Provide the following information
?Prosimian Species
Scientific Name
Geographic range
and habitat
Estimated Population (this may not be available)
Level of endangerment
(include rating organizationi.e. USESA, CITES)
Average social group size
and composition
Diet (include all major foods eaten
beginning with most important
provide percentages if possible)
Average Life expectancy
(specify captivity or wild)
Major Predators
Place an x in the space next to the following traits that are part of each of your species morphology or behavior. Behaviors/traits must be generally true, not simply true some of the time. Unclear answers will automatically be marked wrong.
Contains subspecies within
the species??_______?_______
prehensile tail?_______?_______
average intermembral index >90?_______?_______
rhinarium??_______?_______ dental pattern?_______?_______
tapetum lucidum??_______?_______?
catarrhine nose?_______?_______
claws (instead of nails on any digits)?_______?_______
dental comb??_______?_______
ischial callosities?_______?_______
female philopatry??_______?_______
fully arboreal (more than 90% of time)?_______?_______
a cercopithecine?_______?_______
sexually dimorphic or
sexually dichromatic?_______?_______
a vertical clinger and leaper?_______?_______
regularly (frequently or usually) ?_______?_______
gives birth to twins