Part I Supporting the professional development of staff is a crucial part of a child development center directors human relations efforts. Professional development not only ensures that employees continue to hone their skills and knowledge (which translates into high-quality care in the center), but also gives staff members the chance to advance their careers and explore new opportunities in the field. During this module, you will begin to develop a professional development plan for the staff at the child development center that you manage.To begin, select three specific staff types at your center (e.g., assistant teacher, lead teacher, teacher aide, curriculum coordinator). For each of the three staff types, outline a professional development plan that includes the following:The stage of professional development for the staff type (based on Katz; see Figure 8.2 in your course text)At least two goals of professional development for the staff type For each goal, identify at least two specific resources or activities that might help staff members achieve these goals (see Figure. 8.3 and pp. 168169 of your course text)For each goal, briefly describe ways that you, as a director, might facilitate the achievement of these goals for the staff members.For each goal, identify any incentives or rewards you might offer for the completion of the goal.The final professional development plan, in the form of a 2- 3-page Word document containing the information above for each of the three staff types, (in Module 6).
ReadingsHearron, P. F., & Hildebrand, V. (2015). Management of child development centers (8th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. Review Chapter 8, Human Relations (focusing on pp. 163175)
In this section of Chapter 8, the authors describe how directors can effectively manage their relationships with individual staff members. Focus on the goals and execution of a performance appraisal system. Chapter 15, Assessment and Evaluation
In this chapter, the authors discuss how directors monitor and control for quality through assessment and evaluation. Focus on from whom and how data should be collected during assessment and evaluation for quality.