Listed is clarifying guidance. Use the Project 2 template located in week 4.This project provides you with the opportunity to evaluate the competitive position of one of the organizations listed below and integrate that information in a partial SWOT (OT), Porters Five Forces, External Factor Evaluation (EFE) matrix and Competitive Profile Matrices (CPM).
A. Use these resources as a minimum:
Research for Financial Analysis: Financial ResearchResearch for Industry Analysis CSI MarketMergentonline
Course textbook:
Saylor. (2012). Mastering Strategic Management.
B. Industry AnalysisThe five forces identified by Porter are divided into:Horizontal forces: Threat of substitutes, threat of new entrants, competitive rivalryVertical forces: Bargaining power of buyers and bargaining power of customersInclude at least 2 of the factors under each force for your analysis:
Competitive Rivalry
- Similar sized companies operate in one market
- These companies have similar strategies
- Products on offer have similar features and offer the same benefits
- Growth in the industry is slow
- There are high barriers to exit or low barriers to entry
Threats of New Entrants
- Patents and proprietary knowledge
- Access to specialized technology or infrastructure
- Economies of scale or government driven obstacles
- High initial investment needed
- High switching costs for consumers, loyal consumers
- Difficulty in accessing raw material and difficulty in accessing distribution channels
Threat of Substitutes
- Lower prices
- Brand loyalty
- Switching costs relative to prices
- Trends and fads
Bargaining Power of Buyers
- Ability to buy in bulk
- Able to easily switch supplier
- Availability of multiple similar suppliers
Bargaining Power of Suppliers
- Less available suppliers
- Costs of switching is too high
- There are no alternates
- Supplier may unique patent and/or proprietary knowledge restrictions
C. Competitive AnalysisPick 3 similar companies using information from Mergentonline.Complete the Competitive Profile Matrix (CPM). Follow the link to the instructions (It has the how to build the table and a list of critical success factors)
D. Partial SWOT Analysis Create an OT Table (5 threats and 5 opportunities). Do an analysis of the information contained in this table as it relates to the company that you were assigned.
E. External Factor Evaluation (EFE) AnalysisThe External Factor Evaluation (EFE) matrix will allow you to use the information from the industry analysis and the competitive analysis to assess whether the focal company is able to effectively take advantage of existing opportunities while minimizing the identified external threats in conjunction with the OT analysis to create an EFE matrix to help you formulate conclusions. You can create your own table or use the following table:External FactorsWeightRatingWeighted ScoreRationale
Threat 1
Threat 2
Threat 3
Threat 4
Threat 5
Opportunity 1
Opportunity 1
Opportunity 1
Opportunity 1
Opportunity 1
Step 1: List the items from the OT table.
Step 2: Assign weights (0-neutral impact, 1=more impact, 2=most impact on the company)
Step 3: Assign rating (1,2, 3, 4, 5 based on importance to the survival of the company; 1 is least and 5 is the most)
Step 4: Calculate weighted score by multiplying weight times rating.
Step 5: Provide a rationale for the factor and weighting.
Step 6: Based on the table, provide an analysis of each factor by determining if (1) the company is taking advantage of the opportunities and minimizing risks (see industry and competitive analysis factors) or (2) Avoiding threats and minimizing risks (see industry and competitive analysis factors).Remember to cite per the APA, include references page and add pages numbers
- Instructions: Step 1: Specific Company for All Four Projects The companies that your instructor has assigned to you for Project 1 is the company you will use for this project. The assigned company must be used for this project and in subsequent projects in the course. Students must complete the project using the assigned company. Deviating from the assigned company will result in a zero for the project. After reading the course material, you will complete the steps below.
- Step 2: Course Material and Research Although you are required to research information about the focal company and the external environment for this project, you are also accountable for using the course material to support the ideas, reasoning and conclusions made. Course material use goes beyond defining terms but is used to explain the why and how of a situation. Using one or two in-text citations from the course material and then relying on Internet source material will earn few points on this assignment. A variety of source material is expected and what is presented must be relevant and applicable to the topic being discussed. Avoid merely making statements but close the loop of the discussion by explaining how something happens or why something happens, which focuses on importance and impact. In closing the loop, you will demonstrate the ability to think clearly and rationally showing an understanding of the logical connections between the ideas presented from the research, the course material and the question(s) being asked. Note: Your report is based on the results of the research performed and not on any prepared documentation. What this means is that you will research and draw your own conclusions that are supported by the research and the course material rather than the use any source material that puts together any of the tools or techniques whether from the Internet, for-pay websites or any pre-prepared document, video or source material. A zero will be earned for not doing your own analysis. Success: The analysis is based on research and not opinion. You are not making recommendations and you will not attempt to position the focal company in a better or worse light than other companies within the industry merely because you are completing an analysis on this particular company. The analysis must be based on factual information. Any conclusions drawn have to be based on factual information rather than leaps of faith. To ensure success, as stated above student are expected to use the course material and research on the focal companys global industry and the focal company. Opinion does not earn credit nor does using external sources when course material can be used. It is necessary to provide explanations (the why and how) rather than making statements. Avoid stringing one citation after another as doing so does not show detailed explanations. Library Resources On the main navigation bar in the classroom select, Resources and then select Library. Select Databases by Title (A Z). Select M from the alphabet list, and then select Mergent Online. You may also use Market Line and should be looking at the focal companys Annual Report or 10K report. You are not depending on any one resource to complete the analysis. It is impossible to complete a Porters Five Forces, competitive analysis or OT by using only course material. You should not be using obscure articles, GlassDoor, or Chron or similar articles. Research for Financial Analysis: Financial Research Research for Industry Analysis CSI Market Scholarly Research in OneSearch is allowed. To search for only scholarly resources, you are expected to place a check mark in the space for Scholarly journals only before clicking search.
- Step 3: How to Set Up the Report Use this template to complete the project: Project 2 Template. The document has to be written in Word or rtf. No other format is acceptable. No pdf files will be graded. Use 12-point font for a double-spaced report. The final product cannot be longer than 8 pages in length, which includes all tables and matrices but excludes the title page and reference page. Do no use an Appendix.
- Step 4: Industry Analysis Perform a Porters Five Forces analysis on the organizations industry and the focal company in particular. The industry is the global industry. Use the course material to identify the five forces and what components make up each force. The analysis of each force must clearly discuss why and how and conclude with the effect of the given force on the fortunes of the industry (industry profitability) and/or industry dynamics; that is whether the effect of the force on the industry is weak/modest/average/moderate or strong/severe and also on the focal company. You may not use a Porters Five Forces analysis that is already completed and available on the Internet. A zero will result if used as the analysis has to be the result of your research and your own development.
- Step 5: Competitive Analysis Perform a Competitive Analysis using the focal companys closest three competitors plus the selected company. Analyze the competitions products and services explaining features, value, targets, etc. What are the competitions strengths and weaknesses and what is the market outlook for the competition? Identify and discuss at least eight (8) key success factors (critical success factors). Each industry has different key success factors so make sure the success factors fit the industry. Review the Competitive Profile Matrix Example under week 3 Content for clarification. Develop a Competitor Profile Matrix (CPM). Explain how you developed the matrix. Make sure to support your reasoning.
- Step 6: Partial SWOT Analysis A SWOT analysis is a tool used to assess the strengths and weaknesses (internal environment) and the opportunities and threats (external environment) of an organization. You will complete a partial SWOT analysis only completing an analysis on the OT (Opportunities and Threats). The information presented is not based on your beliefs but on fact-based, data-driven information. The items used in the OT are factors that are affecting or might affect the focal company or those companies within the identified industry. You will: Develop an OT table using your research to identify at least five (5) opportunities and five (5) threats that influence the industry and the focal company. Make sure to cite the elements within the table. Perform an OT analysis (separate from SWOT table). You may not use a SWOT analysis that is already completed and available on the Internet. A zero will result if used as the analysis has to be the result of your research and your own development. NOTE: A matrix is a table. It is not an analysis.
- Step 7: External Factor Evaluation (EFE) Analysis The External Factor Evaluation (EFE) matrix will allow you to use the information from the industry analysis and the competitive analysis to assess whether the focal company is able to effectively take advantage of existing opportunities while minimizing the identified external threats that will help you formulate new strategies and policies. You will use the opportunities and threats from the OT analysis. Using the information gathered for the OT analysis, develop an EFE matrix using five (5) opportunities and five (5) threats. Discuss how you developed the EFE matrix and the outcome. Make sure to support your reasoning.
- Step 8: Conclusion Create a concluding paragraph. The Conclusion is intended to emphasize the purpose/significance of the analysis, emphasize the significance/consequence of findings, and indicate the wider applications that are derived from the main points of the projects requirements. You will draw conclusions about the findings of the external environment analysis.
- Step 9: Submit the Report in the Assignment Folder Submitting the project to the Assignment Folder is considered the students final product and therefore ready for grading by the instructor. It is incumbent upon the student to verify the Project is the correct submission. No exceptions will be considered by the instructor