Please respond to all questions in a complete paragraph. Do not repeat the question in the answer. All questions should be followed by a reference. 



Is the primary driving force of the market system selfinterest? Explain.  


What is the difference between Financial Investment and Economic Investment? 


Explain the difference between border, barrier, and boundary.  Which of the three do you think is illustrated by the building of a wall between the United States and Mexico?  


Provide an example of a body of water that serves as a geographic boundary between two nations.  


Based on your understanding of the reading, how do you think the internet effects the concept of international borders? 


Select one of the following (individual differences, history effects, response bias, regression to the mean, experimenter bias, testing effects, or participant reactions) and discuss the impact on research design. Describe the issue and how it impacts the design considerations for the researcher. Explain how the issue impacts the estimation of validity and the interpretation of results.


Our reading, thus far, has discussed multiple aspects of emergency planning, including planning structures and guidelines, identification of planning missions and goals, and so forth. Considering what you’ve learned thus far, identify which component you consider the most important part of the emergency planning process. Be sure to defend your answer using what you have learned thus far. 


When our Founding Fathers drafted the First Amendment, they obviously could not imagine how the ways in which we communicate and share information would change. One of the most debated topics is the First Amendment.  Many people do not understand what is or is not protected under the First Amendment.  

What does the First Amendment mean to you and how do you think it applies to social media use?  

You can find the First Amendment and some additional information to help your argument here:


An important part of college, and any content creation, is organizing and storing your information. When you write an academic paper, part of what you will do is use other people's research to support your assertions. When you do this, you have to properly quote and cite this information (or paraphrase with citation), and then reference this information. When in college, the typical citation methods include APA, MLA, and Chicago. In addition, there are others such as AP, AMA, Bluebook, and IEEE.


Paso 1 : Read about the Kamba of Paraguay (opens in a new window)

Links to an external site. [plain text:] Did you know that there are subtribes of the Kenyan community in South America? Read the article by Owaahh to familiarize yourself with the Kamba of Paraguay. BONO: There is an extra video at the end of the article that you may want to view as well. 

Paso 2 : Watch these videos about the Kamba

1. Kamba video 1 (opens in a new window)

Links to an external site. [plain text:]

Kamba video 2 (opens in a new window)

1. Links to an external site. [plain text:]

Watch this short news clip about the Kamba. Take special note about the preservation of their cultural practices and traditions.


Paso 3 : Watch this video about the Manjani

The Imani Dance and Drum Company perform the Manjani, a West African dance that celebrates an important event such as the harvest (as in this performance), a wedding, or a naming ceremony. This performance segment focuses on the musicians as much as the dancers, showing the important relationship between the two groups.

Kamba Kua, which in Guarani, the native language of Paraguay, means "place of the black." Think about the origin of the Kamba Kua tribes and some of the ways in which the preservation of their culture and beliefs continue on today. Reflect on the following points:

Reflect :

1. What is your initial reaction? Why?

2. What interests you about it?

3. What role does music and/or dance play in your family or culture?

Analyze :

1. African music and dance have had a far-reaching influence on styles of music and dance popular today. Do you see similarities between the Kamba Kua and Manjani?

2. Yaya Diallo described many different roles that dancing plays in West Africa. How do you see this at work in the video you watched about the Kambua Cua? 

3. Respond to at least two (2) of your classmates (minimum of 50 words each response). 

Your thoughtful, personal reflection and analysis should be written at a college level with a a minimum of 80-100 words. If you seek outside sources, please cite them. Using ChatGPT and other large language model AI programs is NOT permitted for this assignment.


· Make sure to cite your sources (if you use additional sources) and write a college level reflection/analysis ( ca. 100-150 words).

· Read  below about what is in a reflection/analysis. 

· Do not write a report!