Question Description

Identify either a governmental entity or a not-for-profit organization that experienced some form of accounting issue and then describe what happened. Topics could include bankruptcy, fraud, or misappropriation of assets to name a few ideas. I would like you to describe what the issue was, who all was involved, and the repercussions.

The paper should be:

  • APA format
  • 2-4, pages, double spaced, Times New Roman 12 pt. font
  • Minimum of 2 sources. Do not cite Wikipedia.
  • Must include a Works Cited page identifying all sources used.

Attached is a Word document with the rubric. This paper is due Sunday, December 1st by 11:59 pm.

Gov & NFP Research Paper Instructions.docx

Government and Not-for-Profit Research Paper

  • APA Format
  • 2-4 pages, double spaced, Times New Roman 12 pt. font
  • Minimum of 2 sources. Do not use Wikipedia.
  • Must include a Works Cited page identifying all sources used.

Paper is due Sunday, December 1st by 11:59 pm.


Identify either a governmental entity or a not-for-profit organization that experienced some form of accounting issue and then describe what happened. Topics could include bankruptcy, fraud, or misappropriation of assets to name a few ideas. I would like you to describe what the issue was, who all was involved, and the repercussions.

Possible Criterion Total
30 Student performed adequate research on the topic (used the following research materials: books, news articles, and other pertinent periodicals and internet URLs) and identified key significant events and repercussions.
5 Research is well documented (endnotes, bibliography, work cited, references.)
15 Logical development of the topic (writer fully comprehended the subject) and writer demonstrated some original thought and observation of the topic.
10 Appropriate use of titles and headings, appropriate use of grammar, correct punctuation, spelling, sentence structure, paragraph structure.
5 Met specified requirements for format, length and turned in on the original assigned date.
