Question Description

  1. List whether you are positive or negative for each characteristic and include whether your phenotype for that characteristic is caused by dominant or recessive alleles. (6 points)
    1. Blood group type
    2. Rh factor
    3. Widow’s peak
    4. Free ear lobes
    5. Tongue rolling
    6. Hitchhiker’s thumb
    7. Little finger bend
    8. PTC taster
    9. Mid-digit hair
    10. Facial dimples
    11. Freckles
    12. Cleft chin
  2. If an individual knows only his own blood group type and but not his parent’s blood types, can he tell if his blood type genotype is heterozygous or homozygous? Explain. (5 points)
  3. Create and label a Punnett square to determine the possibility of a couple having a color-blind child if the mother has the recessive trait on one X and the father has normal vision. HINT: Use Xb to indicate an X with the color-blindness trait. (4 points)
1 2
3 4
  1. From your Question 3 Punnett square results, what percentage of female offspring will be color-blind? What percentage of male offspring will be color-blind? (2 points)
  2. From the Human Karyotype Activity, what was the Karyotype Group number? What was the result of the karyotype? (Include the sex and the chromosomal disorder, if applicable. If there was no chromosomal disorder, you must state that the individual was normal.) (10 points)
  3. Describe a situation, including an example, in which it would be important to create a karyotype for an individual. (5 points)
  4. Does a karyotype tell all of a person’s genetic characteristics? Explain. (5 points)
  5. Why is a photograph of cells in metaphase utilized when constructing a karyotype? (4 points)
  6. Genetically speaking, why is it important not to mate with a close relative? Explain. (5 points)
  7. What does it mean to be a carrier of a genetic defective characteristic? When might it be important to know if one is a carrier? (5 points)
  8. Using your results from the hemophilia procedure, answer the following questions for a population of 16 offspring (n = 16): (4 points)
    1. What were the possible genotypes of the offspring?
    2. Out of only the male offspring, what is the probability (percentage) of a male being afflicted with hemophilia of only the male offspring?
    3. How many females (what number of females) would be expected to have hemophilia out of the entire population of offspring?
    4. How many carriers (what number of carriers) are expected to be produced out of the entire population? What sex are the carriers?
  9. A student has a friend who is a Biologist, and the student is confused about her blood type. Her blood type is O, but her father has type A and her mother has type B. She asks her friend if it is possible for her parents to have a child with type O blood. What would be a clear and complete response the friend could give to answer her question? (4 points)
  10. If a person were to have 14 children in a row, all female, what is the probability the next child would be a female? (2 points)
  11. Explain why more males tend to suffer from X-linked disorders than females. (5 points)
  12. Jamie has decided to breed rabbits. Her male rabbit is white, while her female rabbit is black. They produce a litter of black and white spotted rabbits. Assuming that coat color is controlled by only 1 gene, is this codominance or incomplete dominance? Justify your answer. (4 points)
  13. In the sickle cell activity, what happened to the allele frequencies (the percentage of surviving alleles that were HbA and the percentage of surviving alleles that were HbS) over the course of the experiment? Why did this happen? (5 points)
  14. Using the data from the sickle cell activity, will these percentages continue to change as they did in the first few generations? Explain which simulation parameters will control the allele frequency trends in this simulation. (5 points)
  15. (Application) How might the information gained from this lab pertaining to Human Genetics be useful to you, or how can you apply this knowledge to your everyday life as a non-scientist? The application will be graded according to the rubric below. (20 points)

Key components of critical thinking and application include the following:

  1. Demonstrates application and comprehension of the scientific principles. (40%)
  2. Displays competence in applying scientific knowledge to your personal or professional life. Relevant content is supported by facts, data, and detailed examples. (40%)
  3. The application paragraph is organized and structured. (10%)
  4. Use of accurate scientific terminology. (10%)
Critical Thinking and Application of Information 0% 1-59% 60-89% 90-100%
Is your application a detailed description of how the lab content is relevant to your life? Application did not adequately demonstrate application or comprehension of the scientific principles. Did not include detailed examples, facts or data. Or the application was not included. A few areas of the application demonstrated some application and comprehension of the scientific principles by applying the knowledge to the student’s personal and professional life, but lacked detailed examples to support the content provided. Application demonstrated some organization and structure within the paragraph. Most areas of the application demonstrated evidence of critical thinking and comprehension of the scientific principles. Displayed good competence and the relevant content was supported with good use of examples that apply the concepts and describe how the information will be relevant and useful to the student’s personal or professional life. The application paragraph is primarily presented in an organized and structured manner. Application included a complete and detailed description of how the concepts are relevant and useful or applicable to the student’s personal or professional life. The application includes detailed examples and reveals insight into the scientific principles. The application paragraph maintains a strong sense of purpose and organization throughout.
CRITICAL THINKING AND APPLICATION OF INFORMATION (20 points) 18-20 16-17 14-15 12-13 Below 12
