Course work 2 – Essay 2500 words (+/- 10%): in-text citations are included in the word count; abstract, bibliography and appendices are excluded Weighting: 80% of final module mark E-submission: date as per your Sussex Direct timetable 1. Climate Change is not real. It does not affect companies and it should not be reported in the Financial Statements. Discuss this statement with reference to the literature. To get you started: Watch “Climate watch shorts: Accounting for climate change” using the link on Canvas Covers: L0 1 Guidance: Your essay should include definition of climate change and an outline of any alternative definitions, why companies may want or not want to include financial information on climate change in their statements e.g. advantages / disadvantages and the problems with including this type of information / possible solutions to these problems. Essays should include: an introduction – introduces the main topic and the main points without going into too much detail. Final paragraph should introduce the order of the remaining sections of the essay. To help you, look at how the introduction section is set out in the journal articles you read. • a discussion of the main issues/arguments listed in the introduction. Each main idea/point should have its own section. Each subpoint should have its own paragraph. Remember a paragraph should only include one idea and supporting arguments. • a conclusion – this summarises the points made in the body of the essay. It should NOT include any new information. If its important put it in the main body. • use paragraphs, NOT bullet points, spacing 1.5 use the Harvard referencing system. • minimum of seven (7) academic references. Do NOT reference lecture slides – these are not academic references. • If you need help with referencing refer to the Skills Hub ( – remember all information obtained from a source needs to be referenced – even if you put the idea into your own words! The marking criteria will be the standard marking for Business and Management Post Graduate work a copy of which is provided below.
