Question Description
Last week we discussed how different creative style can be in global advertising, as a result of a wide range of cultural differences. This assignment builds on the previous one in that we explore the issue of how advertising may be adapted, or standardized, when a company takes its product to the global market.
As we have seen in this course, it is simplistic to think of the adaptation decision as just a product issue. Coca-Cola may sell virtually the same product worldwide, but may make major changes to its promotional programs, not to mention pricing or distribution, due to differences in cultural environment or business environment. As a counterexample, McDonalds may make wholesale changes to their menu from country to country, but still offer very much the same, standardized, food service at relatively similar prices. That is, good marketers know they need to make adaptation versus standardization decisions on all of their marketing strategies and programs, and not just the obvious ones such as product.
For this assignment I would like you to find an international advertising campaign from a foreign country, for a product which is also sold in North America. The product can be from anywhere in the world: you could choose Ford, BMW, or Toyota, for example. Compare the advertisements and find points of standardization and points of adaptation. Try to find at least a few, and think broadly; it will be interesting to comment on what is the same as well as what is different. You may use one of the ads you found in last weeks assignment but could start over with totally different ads. Comment on the points of standardization and adaptation you see and discuss in the context of differences in cultural or business environment. Submit the ads along with your writeup.