Deliverable Length: 2 PAGES

Choice 1:

As a staffer, you occasionally need a break from your hard job. Last night, you poured yourself a nice cup of hot cocoa, lit a fire, and sat down to watch the news. Just as you were getting comfortable, you saw the county courthouse on television. People were picketing the courthouse and demanding that the Christmas tree in the lobby of the courthouse be taken down. Now, you must answer the public as it seems there are irate people on both sides of the debate.

The mayor will have 3 minutes to discuss this issue on the local noon news tomorrow. Please type a 2-3 page response to the protestors, which the mayor will read on the news program. The mayor should be unbiased. Remember, it is important to be respectful to both sides of the issue. In your summary, address the following:

  • The purpose of the tree in the lobby
  • The reason why the town will or will not take down the tree in light of the protest
    • State a decision.
    • Be sure it is something the mayor will agree with.

Use the Internet and unit resources to complete this assignment, and be sure to reference all sources using APA style.

Please submit your assignment.


Choice 2:

Magda is a 43-year-old Pakistani female. She has gone to her local bank to take out a loan for a small business. Magda was dressed in a Burqa, which covers her body and face. The bank owner asked Magda to take off the headwear because it is bank policy that one’s face is not covered. Magda refused to remove her head scarf and cited religious reasons. Because the bank owner could not see her face completely, as only her eyes were visible, he found her to be a threat and asked her to leave. Magda has gone to the news and called the actions of the bank an atrocity.

In a 2-3 page paper, address the following:

  • Whether the actions of the bank were appropriate or inappropriate.
  • The legal aspects in this case and whether or not Magda was discriminated against.

Use the Internet and unit resources to complete this assignment, and be sure to reference all sources using APA style.
