1. List at least three strengths and weaknesses in each the legislation of the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Ontario Human Rights Code.  Look for differences. Look for gaps in what they protect. Think about what each piece of legislation regulates. What is its jurisdiction?

2a) Identify and explain three social or political values written into the Canadian Constitution.

2b) Identify and explain three social or political values written into the Australian Constitution.

3.Compare the concept of “inalienable” rights as mentioned in the American Constitution and Declaration of Independence with the “reasonable limits” approach of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. What are the benefits and drawbacks of each concept? Overall, which one do you think is more practical?

4. Section 2 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms defines the “Fundamental Freedoms” of Canadians. Find one specific example of a situation in another country where a person or group does not enjoy a right we have. Identify the country and briefly discuss how and why a right enjoyed by Canadians can be denied to a person or group.

5. Find an example of a country in the world where people do not enjoy the same democratic (sections 3-5) rights as Canadians. Briefly explain what, if any, political rights people have in that nation.

6. Find an example of a nation, either contemporary or historic, that restricted the mobility rights of its citizens. Briefly discuss why the nation restricted mobility rights and how it affected the lives of its citizens.

7. Sections 7-14 of the Charter list the legal rights of Canadians. Find an example of a nation, either contemporary or historic, in which the legal rights Canadians enjoy are violated. Identify the nation and briefly explain how and why the citizens of that state do not enjoy the same legal rights as Canadians.

8. Find an example of a nation that affords legal and constitutional protection for more than two languages. Do you think that this means Canada should have more than two official languages? Why or why not?

9. Write a 100 words on the whether or not you believe Canadians have too many rights and freedoms? In your explanation you should make reference to one specific Canadian legal case that relates to the issue.
